Chapter Twenty Eight - The Bachelorette Party

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3 weeks later - 1 week before the wedding
Katniss POV

"Annie for fuck sake get this thing off my eyes!" I shout at Annie because currently I'm bumping into walls and tripping over things because she isn't very good at this whole 'put the blindfold on, hold my hands and trust me' thing.

"2 seconds!" She shouts back. She stops abruptly and I feel her pull my dress down because after tripping up on a wire, or at least I think that's what it was, it risen.

I'm wearing a black and grey dress. The top is black and has a sweetheart neck line, while the rest is grey and hugs my curves. I have my hair typed back into a loose pony tail with the front pieces out, so they frame my face, the parts that are typed back are also in loose curls. I've also went for a more dramatic makeup look, with a smoky eye, winged liner, lots of mascara and I've even put effort into my face makeup by contouring and applying blush over the foundation and concealer and of course I've topped it all off with my signature nude, glossy lip.

Annie finally takes my blindfold off and I have to blink to adjust my eyes to the light. She then steps forward and opens a door. All of a sudden I see loads of my friends there and they're all yelling, "Surprise!"

I smile and hug Annie tightly, I let go once I see Prim come forward from the crowd, she runs to me and almost knocks me off my feet when she hugs me.

I'm shocked. I was under the impression I was just going to have a small bachelorette party with Annie, Prim and about 3 other friends, but this is like a massive party.

I run forward and start to greet and hug everyone, having a small catch up because some of my friends I've not seen in a little while.

I'm soon handed a glass of champagne, which tastes amazing, but I finish that in no time. Annie must notice because she comes up to my side and says, "Ahhhh so someones up for drinking tonight"

Usually I'm the kind of person that when I'm handed a glass of champagne I make it last for at least 15 minutes.

I'm pulled over to the bar by Delly, who I was speaking too before Annie came over, and she gets me 3 shots and encourages me to down them. I do so before I'm pulled onto the dance floor.

I start dancing with Prim, laughing as we throw out hands up in the air, we dance for about 10 minutes before the music stops and I see Annie steps up onto the stage.

Everyone turns their attention to her as she starts speaking, holding a glass in her left hand, "Thank you all for coming to this party so celebrate Katniss' last night of freedom before she becomes a married women!" Everyone laughs at this and cheers before Annie continues, "But honestly I couldn't think of a better person to spend your life with, Katniss, Peeta is one lucky guy! I wish you all the happiness in the world and I know you will take care of each other, although you better not forget about me because I still need my best friend!"

I smile and mouth, 'I love you' to her and she mouths it back, "Right, Mrs-almost-Mellark, are you ready to party?!" Annie shouts before she steps down off the stage and I pull her into a hug, she returns this and then she starts pulling me towards the bar.

The next few hours are a blur, I don't even remember how many shots ive downed and how many drinks have been bought for me, all I know is now I'm struggling to walk and I really want a pizza but no one will fucking get me one, so I take matters into my own hands, I sneak away from the group and go into the pizza shop because in all honestly I can't remember what it's actually called.

I order my pizza and while I'm waiting I pull out my phone and dial a number, who's I'm not sure, the person answers their phone and I talk and talk and talk, nothing making any actual sense.

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