Chapter Five - Aftermath

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Two weeks later
Katniss POV

It's been two weeks since I found out Peeta was my brother. I've barley spoke to anyone, I've not eaten, I've not slept and I've not been to school. I've also not heard anything at all from Peeta, which makes me realise he knows too.

My mum has been calling into school and saying I'm sick, which I am in a way, I just can't bring myself to do anything. Prim has also been getting school work for me so I don't fail my classes but today she's away on a trip so I'll have to go in to get them.

I stand up and throw on the first things I can find, a hoodie and leggings, as I'm getting changed I stand in front of the mirror in just my bra and pants, God I've lost a lot of weight, another couple of days like this and you'll be able to see my ribs. It's starting to make my stomach turn so I grab my hoodie and put it on, pick up my keys and run out my house to my car.

I arrive at school and realise I've arrived during class time, so that means I'll have to go in my classes to get my work, great. I start to walk to maths, getting a lot of stares on the way, I finally get there and knock on the door. Miss Trinket comes to the door and welcomes me in.

I have my hood up now, I couldn't handle people's stares, their wondering eyes, their pity. Miss Trinket says my works on her desk and to just go get it. I walk over and as I'm searching through all the other work for mine, I feel a hand come in contact with mine and immediately get a tingly feeling. I look up and am met with some blue eyes. The same blue eyes I've started at a thousand times, although they're not as bright, they look fragile like their owner has been crying a lot.

We lock eyes for one minute until I realise people are staring I quickly look back down, praying that I find my work soon. "Katniss" his voice. Peeta's voice. Just the sound of it makes me want to cry. "Katniss are you, um" he trails off, Peeta knows I'm not okay, I know he's not okay and we know each other too well to lie.

I finally find my work, I contemplate talking to him, just saying one word, just saying hi, asking if he's okay but I feel like I've got a lump in my throat, I can't speak. So I run out the room, I run away from the school and run all the way to my car. As I've not eaten in a while I start to feel weak and start to breath heavy, I need to get out of here. I get in my car and quickly drive home, when I've stopped the car I run out and unlock my front door, I see no ones homes still but I still run to my room I throw myself on to my bed and cry, I just can't stop.

And that night I sit in silence only hearing the sound of my cries, until I can't cry anymore and fall into a deep sleep, dreaming of a world where none of this happened, where me and Peeta are still in love, we're smiling and laughing, not worrying about anyone or anything.


These chapters are getting more painful to write, my poor babes 😭

And Peeta still cares 🤗

There's something very very exciting that's going to happen in the next 3 or 4 chapters, ahh I can't wait to write it 😆

Also thank you for all the votes and comments it means so much to me!

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