Chapter Three - What?

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The same morning
Katniss POV

As I walk into school - hand in hand with Peeta - I immediately see our group sitting at our normal table, out group includes, Annie and Finnick who are together, Delly, Clove, Cato, Glimmer and Gale and Madge who are together. I immediately curse myself as I see Annie, Delly and Madge sitting in their cheer uniform.

"Did nobody bother to text me saying remember my uniform, you know I always forget!" Yes I'm a cheerleader I'm actually cheer captain.

"Sorry" they all say.

Annie starts going through her bag, pulling evening out until she comes across another outfit, "Here I have a spare today" she hands me the uniform smiling.

"Oh my god thank you! Let's go" I say, I give Peeta a quick kiss then we all go get changed in the changing rooms.

After school
Katniss POV

I try to concentrate in cheer I really do, I tried to concentrate in all my classes today but the only thing on my mind is before I went out last night I heard my mum and dad talking, I didn't think anything of it but then I heard my name.

- Flashback -

"We have to tell Katniss I'm pretty sure they're not just cuddling when they go to bed!" My dad says, they always go on about the fact that I shouldn't have sex with Peeta, I think they know deep down I have but they just don't want to admit it.

"I know we should but she'll hate me, I'm surprised you don't" Mum says to dad.

"I could never hate you, it happened a long time ago, I wish it hadn't but it did."

"They keep saying their going to tell him, and I think we should as well, we'll just sit with Katniss and tell her"

I get closer to the door as I hear my name, they hate me listening into heir conversations but I can't help myself.

"Okay we'll tell her but when?" My mum asks my dad

"I'm not sure, she looks like she's going out tonight, so we'll tell her tomorrow" Dad says

"Okay tomorrow after she comes home"

- end of flashback -

So I'm currently being dropped off by Peeta at my house, I turn give him a kiss then go to my door and get out my keys. I'm immediately greeted by my little sister, Prim.

"Hey Kat" she says

"Hi little duck, how was your day?" I ask her

"Great by the way mum and dad want to talk to you" she's says as she runs up the stairs.

Finally I'm getting to know what's going on, although what if it's something bad, what if they say we're moving, or what if they say I really can't see Peeta anymore, all these thoughts go round and round in my head until the come in the room.

"Katniss we need to tell you something sweetie." Mum says

Wow she looks really nervous, how bad is this?

"Just tell her" my dad says

"Okay, um Katniss, please hear me out before you freak out and things, um, Mr Mellark, Peeta's dad, is well, you dad"

I think my heart just broke completely, my mums still speaking but I'm too lost in my own thoughts, if what she's saying is true, deadly true, if Mr Mellark is my dad, me and Peeta are siblings.


BOOM long chapter & a plot twist but are they telling the truth or are they lying?

Btw this idea completely came from one of my fave books "Lies" but I have my own plot 😋

Thank you for all the votes and comments it means so much! 😆

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