Chapter Eleven - Move in with me?

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Listen to the song above because it makes this chapter even better!

The morning after Coachella
Peeta POV

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping from outside the open window. I look down and see my brunette beauty still sleeping, her head leaning on my shoulder with a smile on her face, I wonder what she's dreaming about.

Today I'm going to ask her, I'm going to gather all my courage and ask her. But what if she says no? No, no Peeta don't think like that, I tell myself. You've been together for over two years now. You love her, she loves you but then again who couldn't love Katniss Everdeen. I think about all the ways I could ask her, Katniss will you, hmm no that sounds too formal. I'm dragged out my thoughts by a kiss on my lips, i start kissing back, this kiss soon turns more passionate until I feel Katniss smile and pull back, "Morning babe" she says and gives me another peck on the lips.

"Morning" I say back to her, God I'm so nervous about asking her, when do I do it? Is there a right time or?

"You know Peeta," Katniss starts, "you look very hot this morning." And even though I can't see her face, I know she's smirking.

"Oh really" I say and wrap my arms around her stomach, I feel her shiver, which makes me let out a small laugh, as last night we got back really late and Katniss couldn't be bothered getting changed so she's currently lying in one of my old t-shirts with nothing underneath.

"Yes, very. You know I think we should get a picture to remember this moment" she then holds up my phone and snaps a photo of us. I kiss her forehead then turn my attention to the picture, it's a very candid shot, my mouth is right beside her ear, I'm not looking as I wasn't prepared for the picture but Katniss is looking right in the camera, a massive smile on her face, we look like two, young teenagers in love. But then I guess that's what we are.

Then we hear her phone in the corner ringing, Katniss jumps up, goes over to it and answers it, "Hey Little Duck, it's been ages! How are you, I miss you!" She says to the person on the other side of the phone, which I now, know is Prim by that nickname. "Tell Prim I said hi!" I say to Katniss and she tells Prim.

I'm then distracted by my thoughts, okay just do it when she comes over, Katniss isn't the type of girl to want a big deal out of this, which I've learned the hard way, I just hope she's happy with me asking her this, it's a big step, but I love her. Before she comes back over, I reach into the nightstand and get the keys then hide them under the covers.

Katniss then hangs up the phone and comes back over to the bed, snuggling up with me, "Prim says hi" she says and I chuckle. Okay now.

"Katniss" I say to her

"Yeah babe" she replies.

"I have something to ask you" okay here we go.

"What do you have to ask me?"

This is it. I could make a big speech but instead I do the simple thing, I take her hand and place the keys in them, "I bought us an apartment" I say, nervously.

With this she bolts up and turns around to face me, "You bought yourself an apartment?!" She asks me with a smile in her face.

"No, I bought US an apartment, I'm asking you to move in with me" Katniss then looks down, shit I think, she's going to say no, just then her face breaks out into a massive smile, bigger than I've ever seen, "Yes!" She says leaning forward and bringing her lips to mine, both of us smiling into it, she then pulls away, "Yes! Of course I will" that's when I grab her and lay her on top of me, "I love you" she says to me, "I love you too, always" I say back to her.

Because it's true, I Peeta Mellark will always love, Katniss Everdeen.


So Peeta asked Katniss to move in with him and she said yes!

I finally did a chapter in Peeta's POV! 😊

I had this idea and I couldn't wait to write it 😆

A next chapter will be a normal roadtrip chapter 😋

There may or may not be a bit of truth or dare 😏

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