Chapter Nineteen - Turning Page

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Listen to the song above!
The next morning
Katniss POV

"He's coming back today!" I shout

"Yes we all know that Katniss, you've only been going on about it for, oh, I don't know A WEEK AND A HALF" Prim shouts back.

"Oh my god I've got 45 minutes to get to the airport! Bye little duck!" I say.

I arrive at the airport and stand beside all the other people waiting for their loved ones. After, what I think is the last person, has came and greeted their family, I sigh, where is he?

After about 5 minutes I finally see him. Ashy blonde hair and those blue eyes I would know anywhere, "Peeta!" I shout from across the room. His eyes look around until he catches sight of me and he smilies widely.

I run up to him and jump up, throwing my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, making us both laugh. His hands find themselves on my thighs to support me, I put my head in his neck and whisper, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" Peeta says back, making me let out a small smile, I pull my face back and give him a long kiss on the lips. We both pull away and he sets me down, takes my hand and we walk to baggage claim.

"Katniss" I feel someone's mouth at my ear, "Katniss" this time I feel lips being places on top of mine. I soon realise that was a dream, well a memory. That was a week before I first told Peeta I loved him. He went away to visit his Grandpa and was gone for 3 weeks, I missed him like crazy.

I'm brought back to reality by Peeta smiling into the kiss, I pull back and look at him, "Well good morning to you too." I say, smirking.

"You know this has always been my favourite time with you. You're so carefree when you wake up. You're always at your happiest." Peeta replies as he takes my hand, "I love you Katniss, so much. I'm sorry for what I did and I-"

But I cut him off with a kiss, "Peeta I think we should just stop saying sorry to each other now okay? I love you too" I say back to him and he nods.

"I actually have a surprise for you!" Peeta says excitedly but nervously, "Just know Katniss you can 100% say no, I won't be upset, well I would be, but nothing like last time I promi-"

"Peeta what is it?" I ask smiling.

"Here" He says as he hands me a picture of my dream home. I've wanted that house ever since I was little. It's in the centre of our home town and its detached from everywhere. I remember being a little girl and there was this young couple, they lived in that house and they always looked so happy. I've always wanted a love like theirs. And I guess I found it.

"Peeta why are you showing me this?" I question.

"Because it's ours" He says.

"It's ours?" I repeat

"It's ours, baby."

"It's ours!" I scream as I jump on top of him, pushing him down into the bed, "How did you know?"

"I know everything about you. And most certainly everything that makes you this happy." Peeta says, laughing.

"It's our house!" I shout, I get up off Peeta, he stands up and begins to stretch, I start jumping on the bed, "It's ours!" I shout again this time laughing, I see Peeta standing there watching me so I jump of the bed and into his arms, putting my legs around his waist as he catches me.

"It's ours" Peeta whispers tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear, "Its our always"

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