Chapter XXII

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/ t w e n t y t w o /

Me and Axle went out to go to an arcade. My favorite game to play at the arcade is air hockey. For me, an arcade is useless without it but that's just my opinion.

We played for 2 hours straight at the arcade, we tried out the basketball thing and honestly this dude we saw there was amazing. He was shooting constantly and each shot was getting in. Most of the people stood there and watched him while me and Axle tried out another basketball thing. We tried to copy the other guy and see if it was easy- it honestly wasn't. How the hell did that dude even aced everything?

Most of the time we were playing air hockey but the people around us were complaining about how we are hogging up the air hockey table eventually we left the arcade. I was tired from playing and it helped that when we got out, cold air blasted on me. Axle dragged me to a nearby park and we sat on the swings.

We were talking about the arcade when we heard the ice cream truck. My senses heightened and I looked at Axle with the I-want-ice-cream face. He smiled and shook his head.

"But why?" I said as I prolonged the why with a scowl on my face.

"Just kidding. Stay right here." He laughed as he left me to go purchase ice creams. I looked at my foot and kicked a rock that was sitting nearby, playing with it.

"Daddy!" I shot my head up and looked at who shouted.

I saw a little girl running up to her daddy while crying. I watched as the girl pointed at her bruised knees and cried out to her dad. He carried her and kissed her on the forehead. The little girl wiped her tears as they sat down on a bench. Her dad hugged her and kissed her on her nose.

I felt tears building up at the sight of them. I quickly blinked the tears away, pretending to not be affected at all. I looked back down at my fumbling hands, trying to keep the tears in.

"I love you daddy." I heard the little girl say, that caused me to look at them.

Lalix, please keep yourself calm.

I would've made it.

I wouldn't cry at all.

but it took me three words to be reminded.

"Ice cream, princess?" The tears went crashing down and reality punched me in the face. I placed my hands on my face, covering it.

I despise crying.

I hated looking weak.

But how could I be strong when the reason I was staying strong is gone.


Axle's POV

I carried her to our room as she stirred in my arms.

"Dad?" She muttered still asleep. I kissed the top of forehead as I placed her down on the bed. I wrapped her in a fuzzy blanket and went to my side of the bed. I sat down and sighed. I couldn't take seeing her like this so, so.... broken. My wolf whimpered at the sight of her crying even while sleeping.

Every night I couldn't sleep because I can't sleep knowing that her condition is like that. I would rather work and watch over her, which is what I am doing every night. I grabbed my laptop and did some pack work.

I kept glancing on her, checking if she's still alive. I feel as if at any moment she'd be gone and fade into a beautiful nightmare.

She's having one of the nightmares she suffers through since the death of her parents. I placed the laptop at the bedside table and laid down with her. I encased her in my arms and gazed at her.

I would rather that I'm the one in pain instead of seeing her like this. I felt so useless.

Lalix cried out saying to let her go. I hugged her so tight.

"Lalix, wake up. It's all just a dream.

Please." I whispered out to her but she kept pushing, kicking and shouting at me. It pained my heart to see her like this, I couldn't leave her alone. I won't ever let go of her.

I was shocked by her suddenly jumping out of bed and moving to the corner of the room. She was in a fetus position as she was crying but she's still asleep. I immediately went after her, she cried louder.

"Please go away, leave me alone."

My heart shattered at the tone she used. It sounded like she was so helpless, like she had no hope. I rushed to her and hugged her tightly. She jolted awake and looked at me with her wide swollen eyes. She quickly hugged me back as if she couldn't believe I was really there in front of her. I kissed her on top of her head.

"I'm here, I'm here." I muttered to her as she cried on my shoulder, hanging unto me. After awhile she stopped crying and was fast asleep. I carried her back to the bed and covered her with the blanket.

I walked outside of the room and closed the door. I groaned and madly brushed my fingers through my hair.

I shouted and punched the wall next to me repeatedly. I slid down the floor, gripping my hair. I stood there for awhile.

Eventually, the sun shone through the window in the hallway. I stood up and placed my hand on the door knob of our room. I could sense her waking up.

I twisted the door knob and placed a smile on my face.

"Good morning baby. What do you want for breakfast?"


/ n o t e /

I hope you guys liked the chapter! I couldn't thank you enough guys for your support. I'm sorry if the chapter was a bit short and sorry for the mistakes in there. Tell me what you think about the chapter! I LOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS AND THANK YOU FOR VOTING AND FOLLOWING!


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PS: PLEASE if you don't like my book just don't read it, I am not at all forcing you to read it.

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