6 -Asia

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"It feels so good out here."

Zahara puts her hand in mine holding my left arm close to her as we walk down the beach. After breakfast this morning Kayla, her, and I played Michael Jackson experience on the Wii for hours, and Zahara beat us every time even though she was a noob.

At first she would be studying the moves then next she would be hitting them right, she had me feeling shamed because it took me a while to get the dances down. Kayla would come in second place, and I would always come last.

It's not that I can't dance I'm just not quick with picking up the moves there doing on the screen.

"It does....and the sunset looks so beautiful above the water like that." Zahara says pointing out towards the water.

I wanted to bring Zahara out here before I took her home so she could truly say she enjoyed herself with me. Because I want to see her again, and if she didn't enjoy herself I know that's not gonna happen. Especially since she has a girlfriend, who's just as dumb as can be. With a girl like Zahara you better have her on lock because when she licks those full lips of hers she grabs you, then when she speaks she pulls you into her trap, then once she touches you in any way your stored in her treasure box forever.

I stop, and I face Zahara, holding both of her hands. "Zahara...I had an amazing time with you today. Its the most fun I've had in a long time."

She smiles as the wind blows her hair across her face in one direction. She moves it behind her ear then she rubs my cheek. "Even though what I'm doing is so wrong, I want it to be right because I enjoyed myself as well. And I love the way you make me feel. I can be layed back around you without you telling me to 'sit up that's not how a lady is suppose to sit', and you don't mind showing me affection in public, like I'm truly yours."

I pull her closer to me. "Don't think about Rebekah when your with me, just think about how your gonna have every need met, every desire fulfilled, and every wish granted. What is is that you want right at this very moment?"

She bites on her bottom lip then a smirk appears. "I want you to kiss me."

That I had no problem with. I could kiss her lips all damn day. There just that appealing. And I'm very enthusiastic towards Zahara, and my feelings for her gradually increase every time I spend time with her.

I wrap my arms around her waist, and I lean down to meet her lips. She has her arms around my neck digging her fingers deep in my scalp.
She's beyond a good kisser, she's just content with her mouth. She knows how to use it, and she always say the right thing.


"You got everything?" I ask Zahara making sure she didn't forget anything.

She shakes her head no as she opens the door getting in the passenger side. I notice she put her dress back, as well as her heels. She looks like she's upset, and I wonder why.

"What's the matter?" I ask her concerned at her sudden change of attitude.
She straps her seat belt on then she crosses her arms across her chest, and she keeps her eyes forward.

"Zahara....say something." I rub her thigh looking at her trying to study her face.

"I'm so confused right now."

"About what...?"

"I love Rebekah....but.."

"But what?" I ask.

"But she doesn't make me feel this way. I sometimes feel like Rebekah isn't even attracted to me anymore. I sometimes see her gazing at men as if she's interested in them. I don't even think she's a lesbian like she claims she is."

"Well I guess you have some questions for her when you get home."

"Yeah......were gonna have a much needed discussion."

"Okay....lets go."

I crank up the car, and I drive off towards Zahara house. The car ride was silent the whole way and I decided to leave it that way. I didn't want to force her to talk.
Once we pulled up in front of her house she gathers up her things and she leans over and places a kiss on my lips.

"I'll text you tomorrow."

I smile. "Okay." Then she unbuckles her seat belt, and gets out of the car. When she gets up to her I door I drive back in the direction towards my house. Zahara's house is way on the other side of town it's like 20 minutes away but If she wants to see me again I wouldn't mind taking that trip to see her.

Once I step inside the house I see Kayla still playing the Michael Jackson experience, and she's killing the fuck outta that game. "You still at it huh?" I ask stepping out of my boots placing them close to the door.

"I'm trying to beat Ms.Zahara's score....she reached five stars...how the hell??" I laugh and I sit down on the sofa watching her play. After she finishes the song she pauses the game, and she sit's down next to me.

"Did I tell you I was sorry for leaving without doing our little performance at your party?" I ask looking over at her.

"Yeah you did...It's okay, I was too fucked up to dance anyway." We both laugh as she pulls both of her feet on the couch sitting Indian style.

Then she cuts her eyes at me looking as if she has something to say. "What?"

"You know what."

I narrow my brows at her because I seriously don't know why the fuck she looking at me like that. "No I do not."

"Where's Ms.Zahara?" She asks crossing her arms across her chest.


She rolls her eyes. "You wrong...you know she got a girl."

"And so does she....that didn't stop her from coming here."

"I'm pretty sure your dominating ass lured her into your...spell using your charm." Asia says as if I'm some sort of wizard casting spells and shit.

"Watever." Im about to go get something to eat cause I do not feel like cooking. "You wanna come?"

"Nah....my boyfriend's taking me out to eat." She says getting up walking into her bedroom.

"With his broke ass." I mumble going into my bedroom to get my coat.


Zahra's POV next.

If you havent been checking the MultiMedia...I have pictures of the cast. :)

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