25 - Asia

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“So when are you going back to work?” I ask Zahara as I sip from my glass of wine.

“On Monday, I can’t keep taking time off.” She says a little too quickly, as she continues to stuff her mouth with Italian Spaghetti.

I nod my head agreeing to her, as I glance over at the dancers. One of the women prance across the stage then into the arms of her dance partner. He twirls her in a circle then they end it off doing that signature plea pose.

“So are you enjoying yourself?” I ask Zahara as she continuously stuff her face with food as if she hasn't ate in forever.

She nods her head. And after she finishes chewing she decides to answer me. “It’s a very lovely restaurant. I never knew this place existed.” She says then she gulps down her whole glass of wine within a few seconds. And it scared the hell out of me how she was able to do that shit without taking a break. And it’s really bothering me how her appetite has picked up since Rebekah’s death. And now that I’m finally seeing the change in broad day light I think it’s time to finally mention it to her. But I think I should get a few drinks into her system first.

I raise my hand and wave to get the waiter’s attention over by the bar, and he quickly comes over to our table.

“How may I help you?”

“Can you bring us a bottle of your best champagne please?” I ask and he nods his head.

“Right away ma’am.” He speed walks back over to the bar, and he searches for the bottle of champagne.

“So how did you manage to get the restaurant to shut down, and service us?” Zahara asks wiping her mouth now that she finally finished her food.

“That’s not important, what’s important is what I have planned next for the both of us.” I say sliding over in the booth seat so that I was close to her. I put my arm across her shoulder, and I place a kiss on cheek then onto the side of her chin. She giggles, then she straightens up her posture when the waiter comes back. He comes unexpectedly, and he clears his throat to get our attention. “Here you go.” He places the bottle in a case of ice, and two new wine glasses. He collect our old glasses even though mines still has wine in it.  Do you need anything else?” He asks looking between the both of us.

“No thank you.”

“Okay well if you need anything just let me know.” He says then he walks away with a pep in his step. I shake my head smiling as I watch him walk away then I focus my attention back to Zahara.

“Want another glass of wine?” I ask her and she nods her head. So I pop the wine bottle cap, and I pour some of it in her glass. I pour just a little bit into mines because I need to be sober enough to drive us to the penthouse I reserved for the night. Zahara is really going to enjoy the hell out of that. I’m going to have her favorite music playing, soft sheets, and cool kinky shit I know will have her soaking wet by the time we actually get to f*cking.

“Here you go beautiful.” I say handing it to her, and after talked for a while she finishes glass after glass, and I’m just conversing with her as she becomes tipsy then a little drunk. By that time that’s when she started to get a little frisky under the table.

“Babe let’s get out of here.” She says tugging at my dress which stopped at my ankles. She whispered it in my ear, and by the way she whispered it I can tell what was on her mind.

“Nah not yet, let’s talk a little longer.” I say as I swat he hand away.

“That’s all we been doing all night, I wanna go home and fuck.” She says in a whining tone as if she’s a little kid who just got off the breast milk and wants more of the tiddy.

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