8 -Zahara

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All throughout the night Rebekah tossed, and turned in bed. She would suck her teeth laying on one side, then she would huff and puff switching to the other. I was starting to become very agitated with her constant groaning, and disturbance. But eventually she fell asleep, and so did I.

When she woke up to get ready for work, she was cussing at herself for not getting any sleep, she was drowsy and didn't wanna go. But her ass was getting the fuck up outta here this morning because I have plans.

"You just got promoted, missing days when you don't need too will hurt you in the long run." I say resting my head on my left hand, as I lay in bed under the thick comforter. I'm watching her get ready in the bathroom that's directly in front of me.

"Yeah...your right." She sighs then she closes the bathroom door, and a few seconds later I hear the shower running. I then grab my phone, and I immediately send Asia a text.

Hey you up? - 7:38

I am now, Good Morning. - 7:45

GoodMorning, how did you sleep? - 7:47

Slept really good, what about you? - 7:48

I didn't sleep good at all, Bekah kept me up with her tossing and turning all night. - 7:51

Sorry about that, but I'm about t get ready. Hopefully when I'm done she will be gone. - 7:56

Okay, :-* - 7:58

After texting Asia I get out of bed, I slide my feet into my cushion soft slippers and I drag my feet walking to the kitchen. I'm going to just make some coffee, and a quick egg omlet to send her off with.

After getting the ingredients I make her omlet in a matter of five minutes with her coffee being brewed. I pour it into a plastic cup, and I sit them both on the island for her so when she comes out she can get straight to it.


"Can you button this for me?" She asks holding out her arm for me to button her sleeve button.

"There." I say after I button it up. I gaze up and down checking out the suit she has on, and it looks really nice on her but she looks a little over dressed for her job.

"What's with the suit?" I ask putting away the carton of eggs.

"Its usually casual day through out the week, but now Friday is suit day for employees." She says glancing over at her omlet. "Is this for me?" She asks pointing at the omlet.

"Duh." I say washing the dishes I made.

"That's so sweet of you, I know you probably wanted to stay in bed. Thanks babe, can you hand me a fork." I get a clean fork, and I turn to hand it to her. "Thanks." She smiles then I hear her fork and plate colliding seconds later.

While she sat there, and ate in silence I couldn't keep my mind quite. I was so anxious to see Asia again, but then again I'm nervous as fuck. Its wrong to be cheating, but it's worser when it's in the home of the person you share it with.

Half an hour later rebekah has her purse on her shoulder, and a cup of coffee in her hand. "I won't be home until late, see ya later." She says smiling walking out the door, which I was holding. No good bye kiss, no hug no nothing. I shake my head, and I close the door. I walk over towards the table and I lift myself on top of it. And I just sit glancing at the pictures that's posted on the walls in our little apartment. Me, and rebekah, family, friends all of that.

Rebekah stopped acknowledging my feelings, so I stopped acknowledging her existence somewhat. I don't even consider myself a cheater, but if you're going to make me feel single why shouldn't I act upon it? Like R. Kelly say, you got me feeling single.

Last Hangover (Currently Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora