14 -Asia

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After the show me, and Zahara pitched in and treated the girls out to Olive Garden celebrating them coming in at 2nd place. I was their when the show first started all the way to the end because I wanted to be their number one supporter. Zahara and I are so much closer now, and I think I'm in Love with her. I have yet to tell her, but I don't think I will until I know if she will stay with me or Rebekah. I know she will choose me, I just know it. Lately she's been bitching about Rebekah coming home at all kinds of hours of the night with no explanation as to whys she's late. They would argue, and that would be that. No make-up sex, no touching, or kissing. She says she thinks Rebekah has lost interest in her. But I said that was bullshit because Zahara is far from boring, she loves to have fun, she's sexy as hell, and an amazing person overall. How could you lose interest in a woman like that?

        After dropping all of the girls off home, I decide to take Zahara to our favorite spot. The pier beach so we can go for a walk. The whole ride there was silent though because Zahara was tired, and she had her eyes closed leaning on the window. I can tell she was awake, she just had her eyes closed. While I waited at the light I reached over, and grabbed her hand.

"I had a good time with you, and the girls today." I say and she opens her eyes and smile.

"I'm glad you tagged along, but where are we going?" She asks noticing the change of scenery.

"I'm taking you to our favorite spot." I say turning into the beach parking lot which was deserted because no one really comes out here this time of night that's why I love bringing Zahara here so we can be alone.

"We won't be long right?" Zahara mumbles forcing herself to keep her eyes open.

"Nah not at all babe." I say parking the car. I get out, and I go around to open her door. She gets out, and we walk towards the beach hand in hand.

"Asia I want to ask you something." Zahara says as we step on the damp sand that was once wet by the water that washed on shore.

"Sure go ahead."

"Do you love me?" Zahara asks looking me directly in my eyes waiting for an answer. I'm glad she brought this up because it would have been hard to tell her on my own. I never really been in love with any of the other girls that I have dated in the past.

"I love you so much girl, and I've been feeling this way for a while now."

"I kind of already knew. I mean the way you look at me, the way you kiss me, the way you hold me in your arms. It shows, and that's why I think...I love you back." Zahara says then she places a soft kiss on my lips.

"You think?" I ask then we both laugh.

"I love you Asia, and I'm positive that I want to be with you. You make me happy."

She smile, and wraps her arms around my body, and pulls me close. Our lips making immediate contact with each other.

        After getting dropped off where my car was I kissed Zahara good-bye, and I headed home. Being with Zahara has affected my whole life in a good way. She has helped me get more modeling gigs which were mostly contracted from her job. But it didn't matter I loved it. I'm starting to dress more like a girly girl now because her girly-ness has rubbed off on me, but again I don't mind it. She's even helped me with a down payment on a house I wanted out in Subarea. I didn't even have to ask she offered, and that's a true sign of humbleness because I could have easily worked hard, save up money, and pay for it myself. But she knew I truly wanted it, and she help me get it. I couldn't have thank her enough that day. All she said was I deserved it, and she didn't mind helping me.

As soon as I walked in the apartment I shared with Kayla I see her and her boyfriend on the couch damn near naked.

"Couldn't make it to the bedroom huh?" I ask slamming the front door to startle them. They both shoot me a look, and they snatch their clothes up and walk towards her room. Kayla stick her middle finger up at me playfully, and I laugh quietly. I kick my shoes off as soon as I enter my bedroom. I pull the rubber band off my wrist, and tie my hair into a tight messy bun. And I grab a big t-shirt, and boy shorts to put on after I get out the shower.

My shower felt exhilarating, and my body was completely at ease. I climbed under my blankets, with sin laying at the end of my bed. I wouldn't usually let her lay in bed with me but her fresh coat just captures my heart every time I look at it which makes me give in to her cuteness. After turning the lamp off I slowly drift off into a deep sleep. 

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