12 -Zahara

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1 Month Later....

I strap my seat belt on, and I look into my review mirror and I see none of my dancers have on their seat belts. "Put on your seat belts or this car will stay parked." I say and they all comply after sucking their teethes. Since I got my car out of the shop me, and the girls have been going everywhere together. The mall, the movies, performances, and events that we all like to attend together.

"You will thank me one day." I say pulling out of the parking lot heading towards the MLK Center where the girls will be performing tonight at the Black Girls Rock showcase. It was founded by some public speakers, and Humanitarians of the community for food, celebration, public speeches, and Entertainment. I signed my girls up to perform, they auditioned, and they got a spot in the show. 

"Ms.Zahara do you have everything?" Kayla asks. I look at her in the review mirror, and nod my head. 

"The eye shadow palette.....the camera...the CD?" She asks naming important things I myself was supposed to bring.

As I stop at the light I hit my forehead. "FUCK...I forgot the CD in the stereo at my house." 

"What time do we have to be there?" Nessa asks looking at the time on her phone.

"The show starts at seven thirty, what time is it now?"

"Uhh....it's seven now." 

"I have to go back and get it or we can't perform. We never miss a performance, and were not gonna start now." I look both ways to check for a police car, once I see that the roads are clear of them I cut across the next lane, and I make a massive U turn with my wheels screeching making everyone lean to the right of the car.

"BE CAREFUL MS.ZAHARA!!!" Tia says bluntly but in a civil tone. I speed a little over the limit but more careful than before as I head to my house which was about ten minutes away from where we were.

As we get on the street of where my house is I sow down noticing an unfamiliar car is parked in my parking spot next to Rebekah's car. I pull onto the lawn of my house, and I hop out of the car. 

"I'll be right back." I say to the girls, and I slam the car door heading towards my front porch. I turn the knob, and surprisingly the door is unlocked I walk in slamming the door behind me. I speed walk into the living room where my master stereo was, and I open the glass shield and turn on the stereo to retrieve the CD. 

"Zahara.... why aren't you at the show?" 

I turn to see Rebekah looking very tired dressed in her formal work attire.

"I forgot the CD with our music on it, and im in a rush we need to be there ASAP." I say turning the stereo off after I placed the CD back in it's case. "Who's car is that out front?" I ask remembering the black jaguar that was in my parking spot.

"uh...That's my boss's car were out in the backyard with his new assistant just having a drink, and talking about work. You don't mind do you?" 

"Not at all but I do mind it if next time your bo-

"MS.ZAHARA THE PROMOTERS CALLED AND SAID WE HAVE TO BE THERE IN TEN MINUTES OR WE CAN'T PERFORM, LET'S GO !!!" Kayla yells bursting into the living cutting me off from what I was about to say.

"Shit...okay let's go." I say storming out the front door behind her. Even though what Rebekah just said lingered in my head for a while. Why do I feel like she's lying about something. I don't know why but that's just how I feel she seemed uneasy, and shooken up like she was distraught about something.


We ended up getting there late but we were still allowed to perform thanks to the other performers they all spoke up about why they should let us perform, and it was so sweet how everyone came together just to help us out. We really appreciated it, I apologized to everyone, and the girls for being irresponsible and they all were very humble to forgiveness. 

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