23 -Zahara

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I stare at Mrs. Cook with an expression mixed with shock, and confusion as she stand there with bloodshot eyes, and a damp tissue in her hand.

“Hello Zahara…may I come in?” She asks her voice sounding very shaken as if she is trying her hardest from breaking down in a pit of tears.

I step aside allowing her to walk past. “Of course…come in.” I say glancing out the door before I close it. I walk behind Mrs. Cook as she walks over to sit down on the couch. I know how emotional this whole situation with Rebekah can be for those who cared for her but I never expected a visit from her mother. Especially in this condition, crying, and unannounced.

“Excuse the mess, we were in the middle of dinner.” I say and Asia rushes over to retrieve the pizza box, and Wine Glasses. She then goes into the kitchen, I guess to leave me alone with Rebekah’s mother. I slowly sit down next to her as I watch her blow her nose into the tissue. I scoot a little closer to her, and I begin to rub her back in comfort.

“I know this whole situation has really taken a really bad toll on everyone who’s close to Rebekah but we have to keep her in our prayers, and hope for the best at her trial.” I say as I rub up, and down her back. And after I said that she begins to cry even harder, and I suddenly feel bad for saying that since it made her even more upset.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Cook.” I say not knowing what else to say but deciding not to say anything else that may make her mood change for the worse.

“I...I still can’t believe she did this.” Mrs. Cook says as tears drain her exposed thighs. Being that Mrs. Cook is no taller than 4’11 she can wear a short dress, and have it look mid-thigh length on her.

“It’s still a shock to me as well Mrs. Cook.” I say trying to look into her eyes but she has been slouching since she sat down, and I don’t blame her at all.

She then raises her head to look up at me. Her lips tremble as she wipes a tear that stained her cheek. “You didn't get a call from the correctional Facility today?”  She ask and I sit up looking confused.

“No…I actually went to see her earlier this morning.” I say then Mrs. Cook’s facial expression becomes so cold, and if looks can kill I would be dead right now.

I furrow my brows in confusion. “Why…what’s going on?” I ask wanting to know why all of a sudden she’s making me feel like I've did something wrong. Am I not supposed to go and see Rebekah, or is she upset about something I said?

She then grabs my hand and hold it in hers. Before she speaks she takes a long pause, and she stares down at my hand. After a few minutes she looks up into my eyes, and tears begin to fall from her eyes again.

“My baby hung herself.” She says then she burst into a ball of tears as if she had been holding in so much, and it was finally being released. She throws herself into my arms, and I hug her tightly. Tears manage to escape from my eyes, and I close my eyes as the tears sting my pupil. I’m so tired of crying it hurts sometimes to do so, and I know Mrs. Cook is feeling the same exact way. I rock side to side holding her tightly as she cries on my chest.

“I can’t believe this shit…she didn't deserve to go out the way that she did.” Mrs. Cook yells hopping up from the sofa. She begins raising her hands in the air, and kissing the cross necklace that she has around her neck.

“I REBUKE THAT EVIL SPIRIT…IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!” She yells as she grabs oil out of her purse throwing it in the air. I look behind me at Asia, and she’s just watching Mrs. Cook’s little episode. She then runs around the table, and she forcefully rubs her palm on my forehead that had oil on it. And it kind of took me off guard but I didn’t say anything I just let her did what she felt the need to do. She didn’t waste no time going over to slap some on Asia’s forehead. And I giggled a bit as Asia stumbled from being pushed so hard in the forehead by Mrs. Cook. And she gave me an evil grin when she recognized I was laughing at her once again.

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