Chapter 1

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So I just couldn't wait and decided to post this beforehand! I know some of you are very excited along with me (*cough cough* Liz and Camryn) so I hope you guys like it!



Chapter 1:

“W-what?” I stuttered. I took another look at the boy. He was tall, lean, tan, and muscular. He would’ve been attractive if he wasn’t covered with tattoos and piercings. His hair was covered with a beanie except for a few brown strands falling out.

“The tube stopped. There must’ve been a power shortage.”

“Oh…” I muttered nervously. I was uncomfortable around this boy. He looked like one of those thugs off of the street or someone from a gang. All I knew was that he was a punk and those are the type of people I was always taught to stay away from.

I rubbed my arm nervously as his eyes hungrily looked me over from head to toe as a smirk formed on his face. I did not want to get raped today.

“Will you bloody move that light away from my face?” He asked, his tone suddenly full of anger. Bipolar much?

“Oh yeah. Sorry.” I muttered as I moved the light from my phone to another side of the car.

“I’ll go see what’s wrong,” He said while jabbing his finger behind him, in the direction of the front of the tube. “By the way, I didn’t manage to catch your name.” He finished, a sly grin stretching out on his face.

“Uh.. Cecelia.” Here I was telling a stranger, who I mentioned looked like a thug, my name.

He appeared to be thinking for a second, but then he said, “Okay Cece. I’m Harry.”  And with that, he walked out of my tube car, leaving me to think about what the hell was going on.







“Um excuse me?” I say as I gently nudged the elderly woman who was sitting in the corner of the same car I was in. She was sleeping, but I decided to wake her so she could know what was going on.

She let out a loud snore that was mixed between a snort and a groan and her eyes opened.  A look of confusion came on her face and I quickly explained about the tube stopping.

“Oh dear,” She shook her head and looked inside her bag. “In all my years…” She muttered, still scrounging for something inside her old pocketbook.

I rubbed my forehead in frustration. I was planning to have such a great night with my friends tonight, but this had to ruin it. I sat a seat away from the lady and tapped my feet impatiently for the mysterious boy named Harry. Why had he called me Cece? Only my friends and family call me that and I barely knew him. He was definitely a strange one.

After a few minutes of small talk with the old lady who introduced herself as Ms. Evans, I grew even more impatient. It wasn’t because of her, she was actually very kind and I found myself comparing her to my grandmother. I was just growing very frustrated. So, I told Ms. Evans that I would go look for Harry. I’d explained how he was going to the front of the tube to see what was wrong.

I opened the door and it slid behind me swiftly. I flashed the light on my phone in the car and saw two boys with their backs facing me. They were looking at something or someone in front of them. Once they noticed the light from my phone that had filled up the car, they turned towards me. They both had tattoos and piercings like Harry. One had long, shaggy black hair that covered the top of his eyes. He pushed his hair away to get a better look at me. The other guy had blonde hair in a quiff. His blue eyes gleamed at me, while they ran down my body, making me want to feel like covering up. What was up with guys eye-raping me today?

“And who are you?” The one with the blond hair asked.

“Uh none of your business.”

“Hmm sassy, eh?” He chuckled. “I like.”

I snorted and he noticed my reaction. He walked towards me and stuck his hand out.

“I’m Chase.”

“Okay.” I shrugged and tried to move past him. I didn’t want to sound rude or anything, but I wasn’t interested with dealing with people like him right now.

I squeezed by, hitting him accidently. I knew he was angry and I tried to make a quick getaway. Before I could reach the door to the other car, I saw what the two boys were looking at. It was a girl, lying unconscious on the floor of the tube.

I ran over to her side while saying to Chase and his friend, “What happened?”

“That’s none of your business.” Chase’s friend spat out. It was the first time he’d talked and his voice was surprisingly a little higher pitched than I imagined.

“What happened?” I asked again, a little louder this time.

“Nothing, god dammit. When the train moved, she fell out of her seat and hit this pole right here.”  Chase explained and showed me the pole that connected the supporting holders. (idk what you call them) I guess he understood what I was getting at. She looked like she had been raped or something and it looked bad for Chase and the other guy.

“Oh, what should we do?”

We?”  He looked at me strangely. “Uh-uh I’m not in any of this.”

“Well you kind of are. You were a witness.”

“Whatever, just drag her out of here.” Chase’s friend said.

“Fine, I will.” I huffed. The girl would be better off away from these two hooligans. I lifted the girl, putting my hands under her arms and I tried to throw her on my back. I slowly dragged her past the boys, being careful not to harm her even more. She looked my age, around her early 20’s. She had flaming ginger hair and pale skin to match. I opened the door after much difficulty and placed her beside Ms. Evans, explaining what happened. Ms. Evans found a first-aid kit in her pocketbook and tended to her wound on her forehead.

I left once again, knowing the girl would be in good care with Ms. Evans. This time when I saw the two boys, they were engaged in a conversation with Harry.

“Cece. Nice to see you’ve met Chase and Jason.” He said, offering me a small smile once he saw me enter the car.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I wish I hadn’t met them. Harry grinned at my reaction. Why’d he grin?

“So did you find out what the hell is happening?”

“Well there was no one up front.”

“What do you mean?”

“I didn’t see anyone up there except for some couple.”

“Ugh.” I grunted and put my hand on my forehead.

“We we were on our way to Manchester... so I think we’re somewhere nearby."

"Yeah I guess." I shrugged and stared at my phone like it could give me some answer. That's it! Why didn't I think of this before?

"Can I call somebody?"

"Yeah just dial their number in." Harry shrugged.

"No stupid, I meant tell me someone who could help us!" I exclaimed shaking my head.

"Oh, uh I don't know."

"Well you were being all smart a minute ago and now..." I trailed off.

"I don't know." Harry said firmly and took a seat while staring out of the window into pitch darkness. What was up with him? Before he had turned around, I had seen something mixed with hurt in his green eyes. What was that feeling? And why did he look so vulnerable? What had happened?

Note: Dun, dun dun! How does everyone like it so far?? Kind of interesting? Yes? No? Comment!
I promise it'll get better? Well thanks for reading, ily -stargurl<3

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