Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

-Read the note at the end please-

Cece's POV:

Brett. Who once was a bright, young man with a brilliant future ahead of him, now stared at me with sunken eyes, raggedy clothes, and an unshaven face.

"Brett?" I asked him, stepping closer to him. My curiosity was going out of control looking at what type of man he had become. I had met him on the tube as well, he was then dating a girl named Ana who broke his heart on the day we were all stuck in the tube.

"Cece, let's just go. We don't have to waste time with him." Cassidy tugged on my arm.

"You stay out of this!" Brett shouted at Cassidy, his voice slurring.

"You have no right to shout at her!" I screamed at him. He stayed silent. "Brett what happened to you?

"Ana happened. Ever since she rejected me, nothing has gone right," he stated, putting his fingers through his greasy black hair. "And then that bitch came along." He pointed to Cassidy with his overgrown fingernail.

The surprise on my face was evident. Where had that caring, logical Brett gone?

"Brett you aren't in your right mind. When you think you are, give me a call." I shook my head and started walking with Cassidy away from the horrendous man Brett had become.






I woke up with the sun shining through the window. Last night's events came back to me as I opened my eyes. My roommate, Julie hadn't returned from the club last night, so I assumed she was staying over with her new boyfriend. Cassidy lay sprawled over Julie's bed. She had filled me in on what happened with her and Brett, last night.

After the day we were stuck on the tube, Cassidy had admitted to Brett that she liked him. He rejected her, but she didn't leave him alone. She knew that Brett was just hurting from his break up with Ana and deep down he was still a great person. Finally, after a month, Brett gave in. He wasn't the same man he used to be, but Cassidy liked him nevertheless. They dated for a few weeks and he was an asshole to her, yet sweet Cassidy was naive and always found the good in people. Two nights ago, he had sex with her, sex that she didn't consent to. She ran away from him and last night he had found her and confronted her. She was finally done with him and was thankful for me saving her. She didn't like who had become now, and I didn't either.

I let Cassidy sleep in and got ready myself. Today was my coffee date with Scott. I was excited, but I was a little nervous as well.

Above all of that, my mind pounded with the thought of Harry. Where had he gone last night? I was thankful of the distractions of Cassidy, Brett and Scott, because if they hadn't distracted me I would probably be lying in bed, miserable.

What had I said or done to make Harry disappear? Whatever the matter was with him, I always found reason to blame myself.

I hopped out of the shower, wrapping my towel around my body securely. I heard a knock at my door and knew it was Julie. Nobody else would come at this time. I hummed and walked to the door. We really needed a peephole at our door.

I opened the door to see no other than Harry.

Before he could say anything else, I slammed the door on his face.

"Cece, please let me explain!" He pounded on the door.

"Go away." I said loudly, my voice coming out stronger than it really was.

"Just hear me out!" He shouted.

"Harry leave, or I will call campus security."

"Please just listen to me, I didn't want to leave you yesterday. It's because of that bitch I had to leave."

"Of course! You're involved with another girl. You never surprise me Harry, I always tend to expect this."

"No that's not the case, please just open the door Cece. Or I'll break it down and come in myself." Harry spoke, desperation clear in his voice.

"Please." He repeated.

I sighed to myself. He sounded really desperate. And also, my parents had always told me to forgive people for their mistakes. I didn't know about forgiving, but I could always hear his reasons.

I slowly opened the door, cold air attacking me from the hallway. I saw Harry looking fit as ever in a beanie and a dark washed coat with his usual black skinny jeans. His eyes were red and they took no time to trail down my body. And that's when I realized I was still in a towel. I let him come in and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well?" I asked him, authoritatively.

"You're not wearing any clothes." He smirked. Out of all the things he could've said, he decided to say this.

"No shit Sherlock!" I shouted at him.

"Well you're distracting me from what I have to say." He muttered, his voice growing husky. He walked closer to me, my feet felt like they were glued to the ground. My heart hammered in my chest and he took another step towards me. Why did he always have this effect on me? Even if I wanted to do something, I couldn't. I couldn't stop him when he placed his full, pink lips on mine. As soon as he did, what felt like electricity danced through my body. Every touch of his left warmth, erupting fiery passion inside of me. He put his hands on my waist, the towel being the only thing separating his touch from my skin. I wrapped my arms around his neck, as the kiss got even deeper. I needed to stop, none of this was right. But at that moment, I needed to follow my heart and my heart strongly echoed that I needed him. I needed Harry.

Note: Hi! This was a short little update, but be expecting another one in a day or so. I'm currently on vacation, but I wrote a lot on the way there, so I have more content now.


Okay I love you beautifuls, thanks for reading


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