Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Cece's POV:

(2 Months Later)

"I don't want to go!" I argued with Julie, my dorm roommate.

"Oh honey you are going, even if I have to drag you there." Julie sassed.

"But why?" I whined, stretching my arms.

"Because all you've been doing lately is studying. You need a break." Julie explained, pulling out clothes from our closet.

"Now c'mon, get dressed!" She ordered.

"Fine," I grumbled. "You always win." I muttered and she laughed, me joining in.

"By the way, did I mention I set up a date for you?" Julie raised her eyebrow.

"No! Julie, I told you I want to stay away from guys right now." I muttered, keeping my head down. Ever since... Ever since Harry I haven't been able to face guys again. I mean he admitted that he loved me, but the situation was just so odd. I barely knew him and he had been acting like a stalker. It scared me, to be honest. No guy has ever loved me or gone to those extremes for me. So out of my irrational fear, I never talked to him again. I did see him once one day, but I could not look into those eyes of his. I guess you could say that my actions were cowardly. Even if I had the slightest feelings for him, I hadn't told him truthfully. Being the coward I was, I just ran. I couldn't always run away from my problems, though. And I was beginning to realize that.






Flashing lights, the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies dancing on each other. A club.

I pulled down the hem of my dress, feeling overly exposed. The gold, sequined dress that came to mid-thigh was definitely out of my comfort zone. Julie had made me wear it and gave me advice to "let loose."

I followed her, squeezing past people to the bar where our dates where supposed to be.

"Okay Cece just be yourself, don't be scared." She took a deep breath.

"I'm not," I smirked. "Are you?" I teased Julie.

"Shut up." She laughed and we arrived at the bar. A man with short cropped blonde hair joined us. He was pretty attractive and he introduced himself to me as Zach. He was Julie's date.

"Justin's just over there, he'll be here in a minute." Zach smiled, motioning to a guy with brown flippy hair. I tried to catch a better glimpse of him, because he was supposed to be my date. Julie chatted with Zach, leaving me bored out of my mind while waiting for Justin. I took a seat on the stool at the bar and put a hand under my chin. I ordered a drink and took a few sips, slowly.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around. Justin.

"Hey, are you Cece?" The boy asked, his eyes raking my body. I felt like covering up.

"Yeah." I managed to offer him a smile.

"I'm Justin, it's nice to meet you." He offered his hand and I shook it. He's nice enough. He had hazel eyes and a kind smile.

"You too!" I exclaimed and he chuckled. We began talking about different things and he told me what college he was in and how he was majoring in Psychology. I told him what I was interested in and I slowly got to know him.

"Hey you want to go dance?" He asked, his eyes shining mischievously.

"Yeah sure." I smiled. He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. An upbeat song came on and I danced crazily. I felt Justin's hands on my back and then they slowly traveled down. He grabbed my hips and squeezed them.

"Justin..." I trailed off, trying to grab his hands off of my hips.

"Chill babe." He smirked and continued to dance with his hands on my hips. I felt so uncomfortable. His hands traveled down to my thigh and he trailed his hand inside my short dress and near my private area. He was not the type of I guy I expected him to be.

"Justin!" I shouted and tried to swat his arms away. I backed up from him and started walking away from him. I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. It was him.

"C'mon babe we're just dancing." He shrugged, pulling me close to him again. His eyes had a different gleam in them this time. An evil one.

"No I don't want to dance." I told him, trying to wiggle out of his arms again.

"Fine, we won't dance then." Justin glared. He grabbed my arm again, his nails digging into my skin. He dragged me to the corner of the club where there weren't many people around. He shoved me against the wall and forcefully pressed his lips on mine. I squirmed under his grasp, but his hands were tightly grabbing my waist. He kept one arm around my waist and I pushed his chest to let me go.

"Oh sweetheart you're not stronger than me." Justin chuckled evilly. I kept struggling against him, especially when I felt him pushing my dress up. I felt his fingers grab the hem of my panties and a tear slipped out of my eyes. I pushed him again, but to no avail. I shut my eyes shut all the way, trying to picture this not happening. What had I done to deserve this?

All of a sudden, I felt his arm let go of me and I opened my eyes. A figure had grabbed Justin off of me and now was on top of him, punching him. I pushed down my dress quickly and ran to the side to see who the person who rescued me was. I saw the person punching Justin repeatedly. Justin lay on the ground, moaning and groaning. I spotted blood and I stopped in my tracks. A crowd had formed, circling the person beating up Justin. The bartender, emerged from the circle and pulled the person off of Justin.

The person turned around and I choked on my breath.


Note: Hey guys! Sorry this isn't the longest chapter ever, but I wanted to update early :) I figured an update would be better. What do you guys think about all of this? Cece being assaulted, Harry rescuing her?

Thanks for reading, ily all so much<3 -stargurl

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