Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Cece's POV:

I gulped a breath of fresh air as I stepped out of the tube. We were finally freed.

I looked to see the middle-aged couple hugging Mrs. Evans.

"Cece?" Cassidy squeaked out. I turned around to see her.


"We need to keep in touch!" She exclaimed, smiling. I nodded, smiling as well as I put my number in her phone.

"Hopefully I'll see you later!" I said, hugging her.

"Yeah!" She nodded, beaming.

She walked off, saying bye to Mrs. Evans and the couple.

I saw Brett walking off without saying bye to any of us and I ran to him, tapping his shoulder as I approached him.

"What?" He snapped once he saw me.

"Look, I know you're super pissed off at everything that has happened, but just listen to me for a second." I said all in one breath. He didn't move and I took that as the indication that he was listening.

"There's nothing between Harry and I. I honestly don't know what that was," I said motioning towards the tube, talking about the kiss. I continued, "Anyways, I was wondering if we could be friends?"
I wanted to clear all misunderstandings between us.

After a few seconds of him pondering the thought, he nodded his head briefly. He still hadn't uttered anything.

"Can we keep in touch..?" I asked nervously. His hazel eyes glittered in confusion. He nodded, not saying anything once again, and handed me his phone. I typed his number in quickly.

"Bye." I waved as he left. You could say I had a little.. tiny.. crush on him.

All of a sudden, I felt a shove and a deep voice muttered, "What the hell."

"Watch where you're going!" I exclaimed, recollecting myself. I turned around to see no other than Harry. I crouched on the floor along with Harry as we messily gathered our stuff. I grabbed my back pack and huffed as I swung it over my shoulder.

I stood up and we faced each other.

"Well!" I almost shouted.

"What?" He asked, looking at me weirdly.

"Say sorry." I ordered, not backing down.

"No." He casually shrugged and started walking away.

"Nuh-uh come back here!" I shouted after him, marching towards him.

"Say sorry or-or-or I'll hit you." I cautioned, while crossing my arms above my chest.

"Hah. No you won't." Harry rolled his his eyes, looking down on me. Why was he this tall?

"Wanna bet?" I asked and hit him in his stomach. He doubled down and clutched the side of his stomach as he let out a pain filled cry. His face contorted in pain. My eyes widened as panic filled my head. I hadn't meant to hit him that hard! Did I hit a vital organ? Or kidney? Or blood vessel?

"Harry! Are you okay? Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I quickly said, rushing to his side, touching his back gently.

Suddenly, the pain was wiped away from his face and he started laughing. Laughing.

He looked up at my expression and started laughing, unclenching his stomach, and hitting his thighs as laughter consumed him.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" He chuckled. This is the first time I've heard him laugh this hard.

"I hate you Styles."

"I hate you more." He muttered, but I could see a small smile creeping up his face.

"Fine." I huffed, but couldn't help and smile. I stray hair fell into my face and I was surprised when Harry caught it and tucked it behind my ear. I got a funny feeling in my stomach. Just from those little actions.

Awkwardness hung in the air and finally after a few seconds, Harry cleared his throat.

"Uh well I'll get going now.." He mumbled, while jabbing his thumb behind him.

"Okay." I nodded.

He walked towards the left and I walked towards the right of the tube station, going our separate ways.

Note: guess the song for a dedication: "only half a blue sky.."

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