Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

 Sorry I haven't updated in a while! I needed a break from everything, but I'm back now :)

Cece's POV:

 What did I expect? For him to kiss me? He was a player and a punk. He wasn't my type and I would never like him. All he did was play games. That's what he was good at.

 I walked to his living room and slid my phone into my pocket after checking it quickly.

 I opened the front door and just as I was about to step outside, I heard a strained "wait." I turned around and saw Harry sliding a shirt on. He was now dressed in his ripped, black skinny jeans and he grabbed a coat.

 "What are you doing?" I asked him.

 "Do you want to take a walk?" He breathed out.

 "It's like 20 degrees out there," I told him, sending him a questioning gaze. When I saw the scorn on his face, I said, "Okay fine."

 He gave me a cheesy smile and caught up to me. He locked the door behind us and we walked to the elevator in silence.

 "So how much do these flats cost?" I asked him, wondering.

 "Rent is £300 every month." He stated as we went down the floors.

 "That's great! Especially for this location!" I exclaimed. (Idk)

 "Yeah." He muttered.

 "I might look into getting a flat here if I can't find any others." I suggested as we walked out of the elevator.

 He turned around and looked at me, suddenly interested at my words.

 Then he returned to normal Harry and didn't say anything, so we walked out of the building.

 The wind tore at the bare skin on my neck and I knew I should've worn a scarf.

 He pointed out to me the small park that ran in front of his flat. It was actually the park I ran at every morning. It was huge and I knew where everything was.

 We crossed the street, me looking left and right, making sure there weren't any cars that could run us over. Harry just walked ahead of me, nonchalantly, without looking left or right.

 I walked a little behind him, watching as he ruffled his hair expertly and tossed it to the side. I wasn't a stalker or anything, but I liked looking at him. He was so spontaneous, you wouldn't know what he would do next. Would he become nice Harry or rude, obnoxious Harry?

 He could be a model. His long legs, lean body, perfect hair, defined abs and angelic face would be enough for a modeling agency to hire him. Maybe they would be thrown off by the tattoos and piercings, but honestly that made him look more hot.

 He turned around and caught me staring. I coughed awkwardly and stared at the ground.

 "Are you coming or not?" He smirked.

 "Huh? Oh yeah." I muttered awkwardly and speeded up so I was walking beside him.

 "I want to show you this place." He whispered and grabbed my hand. I flinched at his touch and looked at him in surprise. He shrugged and led me away from the paved side walk going through the park. He led us to the trees at the side. He moved a huge tree branch away and I gasped when a saw a clearing ahead.

 He bent down and crawled under the branch, me following. Our hands were still entwined and I was actually very worried.

 "I've never been on this trail! And I run here every day!" I exclaimed.

 "Not many people know of this place." He whispered.

 I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at me.

 That's when he dropped my hand. Of course he didn't want to hold my hand. We had nothing between us. He just wanted to show me where to go, and the easiest way was to guide me there.

 A surge of disappointment flowed throughout me. I don't know what I expected from him. More importantly, I was shocked from my thoughts, and I didn't know what to expect from myself.

 I distanced myself from him a few inches and we continued walking in silence.

 Sunlight fell through cracks between entwined tree branches. Soft tweets from birds could be heard from afar. The cool, crisp air seemed to reenergize me. I felt fresh and happy.

 The dirt path seemed to end up ahead and I squinted my eyes to see what was there. Finally, we approached a clearing. In the middle, there were two tree stumps facing each other. We hadn't uttered a word during our walk, but the sense of his presence was strong. Without exchanging conversation, I knew he wanted me to sit. So I sat on the tree stump facing the direction where we came from. He sat on the opposite stump.

 A canopy of trees hung above us and the sky was barely visible. It was dark, but the sunlight cutting through slits of openings in branches cast an eerie glow on this place. It was dark, yet it was full of light. This was definitely a peculiar place and honestly, I loved it.

 "Harry this-" I started, but he cut me off, "I know it's beautiful." He looked up at the closely netted trees and I saw admiration in his face.

 "How'd you find this place?" I asked.

 He looked away from the trees above us and his gaze locked with mine.

 "I stumbled onto it one day. The girl I was with didn't even care about it so I couldn't stay long." He rolled his eyes. The metal of his lip and eyebrow rings glinted in the sunlight.

 "Wow. I bet you have some history with girls." I smirked.

"Yeah. A lot." He grinned.

“I figured.” I shrugged.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, glaring at me.

“You’re a player.”

“You can’t say that without getting to know me.” He argued.

“Well you’ve been saying that ever since we were on the train, but you never actually tell me about yourself!” I spat at him. Why was it that we were always fighting?

“You don’t know half the shit I’ve been through.” He shouted. He stood up and I watched him pace around.

“Well tell me.” I answered softly, not shouting back. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

“You wouldn’t understand.” He shook his head.

“Try me.”

Note: Take a guess at what Harry might tell Cece! Thanks for reading, ily -stargurl<3

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