Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I know I haven't updated in like FOREVER, but please don't hate me for it, summer is just about to start Tuesday for me! So I've been busy with exams and such :)

Harry's POV:

I watched the surprise on Cece's face as I turned around. Then it was my turn to be surprised when she ran into my arms. We embraced, my heart beating out of control. I wanted to take the feeling of love and joy I was experiencing right now and save it in my memory, because I loved the feeling. I had wanted her for so long and now maybe, just maybe, I had gotten her.

"You saved me." She whispered into my chest, a smile spreading onto my face.

"Yeah." I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

She looked up at me, separating her from my arms. I missed the feeling of her instantly.

"Did you see me or something?" She asked awkwardly, fiddling with her thumbs. A sudden pain grew in my chest. Did she think I was still stalking her?

"I actually didn't see your face. I was just here with my friends and I saw that guy messing around with you. No girl deserves to be treated that way." I told her truthfully, while looking at the ground.

I felt her hand on my shoulder, I looked at her.

"That's sweet. Thank you." She smiled, her smile making my stomach do some flipping shit. She started walking away, while my eyes trailed down her figure. I shook my head, trying to snap out of my lustful gaze.

I grabbed her wrist, watching her face twist info confusion as she turned around.

"Do you um want to maybe get a drink with me?" I asked nervously, scratching my head.

"Harry..." She hesitated. "I don't know if that's the best idea." She muttered, uncomfortably.

"It's just a drink." I softly said, pleading present in my voice.

"Okay," she whispered. I let go of her wrist and followed her to the bar. I took in her long legs and how graceful she appeared. She took a seat on a bar stool and I took a seat on the stool beside her. She ordered a drink and I noticed how the bartender stared at her chest bluntly. I wanted to jump over the bar and strangle him, but I stayed calm.

Silence settled over us and I thought of something to say.

"So how have you been?"

"I've been good," she smiled weakly. "Been studying a lot." She muttered, not looking at me.

"That's good." I moved my hands through my hair.

"How about you?" She asked, finally moving her head to look at me.

"Eh." I shrugged. Ever since she walked out of my life, nothing has seemed right. But I am slowly reminded that she never really liked me the way I liked her.

"Just 'eh'?" She asked me, her voice carrying a playful tone. A smile crawled on my face slowly. At least the girl that was written into my memory permanently, was talking to me.

"Yeah." I nodded my head, chuckling. I noticed her eyes were on my face and her face scrunched up.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, looking at her confused expression.

"Where are your lip and eyebrow rings?" She questioned. Damn, she noticed.

"I didn't want to wear them." I shrugged.

She didn't reply, just gave me a look that said that she wasn't buying it.

"I'm being serious." I continued.

"Harry do you think I'm stupid?" She raised an eyebrow, I noticed she did that quite a lot.

"No.. Well okay, so I got a job and they don't want me to wear my rings." I explained. She managed to weasel out my inner thoughts.

"Oh where do you work at?"

"Gencorp." I answered.

Her face lit up for a second as she exclaimed, "My dad works there!"

"What's his name?" I questioned.

"John Jacobs."

"Oh I know that guy! I've seen him around. He's one of the advertising agents, right?" I remembered. He was a pretty good agent, he was one of the best at advertising.

"Yeah! Wow this is surprising." Cece shook her head in amazement.

"What are you trying to say?" I winked at her. "A guy like me can get that sort of job."

"Sure." She scoffed, mischief hidden behind her voice.

"Hey," I pointed a finger at her, smirking. "I have connections."

She laughed, me joining her. At that moment, I wished I could stay in it forever with the girl I loved and her beautiful laughter echoing around us.

Note: Aww, I know I had a cheesy ending to this chapter, but just watch out for the drama in the next chapter mwahahah

So comment what you think about Harry & Cece in general, what do you think is going to happen?

I love you bunches and bunches


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