Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Read the note at the end please :)

Cece's POV:

With new determination kicking in, I got up from my bed and went after Harry. I opened my dorm room and saw him at the end of the long hall, turning the corner. I jogged after him, trying to catch up to his long-legged self.

"Harry." I breathed out once he reached the stairs. He turned around and I saw a mixture of anger and hurt mixed in his expression. But of course he wouldn't explain to me what was wrong. Oh no, this was Harry. He was just going to try to ignore me.

"I'm sorry for saying whatever I said back there." I approached him, trying my best to sound sincere as possible.

"I really do try, you know?" He surprised me by saying.

I sighed, grabbing his hand and rubbing my fingers across his knuckles.

"I know, I'm sorry. This is just a bit new for me." I smiled sympathetically.

"It's very new for me too." Harry cracked a small smile.

"God you drive me crazy." I shook my head, chuckling. Harry smiled goofily, wrapping his big hands around my waist.

"Ditto." He winked, kissing my lips lightly.

"Hey what are you doing today?" He raised his eyebrows, pulling away from me a little.

"I have to go to a few classes but I'll be done about 2:00." I answered after thinking of my schedule.

"No that's too late," He huffed and stuck out his lower lip like a child. He looked so adorable like that. "Just skip the classes." He shrugged.

"No I can't." I shook my head. I saw a few girls coming up the stairs and since we were standing in front of the stairwell, I made Harry move over to the side. The girls gave us a look before walking off.

"Why?" He whined, his hands reaching towards my hair behind my back and I felt his fingers tug at a strand of hair.

"Because I'm not a loser like you." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Oh really?" Harry challenged.

"Yeah, you're the biggest loser I know." I smirked, punching him lightly on the arm. Under the light fabric of the shirt, I could feel muscle.

"Oh please. I am cool. I have tattoos and shit." He smirked back at me.

"That doesn't make you cool!" I giggled, trying to weasel out of his arms that had been holding me this whole time. Once I got out of his grasp, I couldn't help but miss the feeling.

I started walking back towards my dorm room to actually change into decent clothes as I was still in my bathrobe.

I heard footsteps behind me, but I started to run towards the room. I almost bumped into some girl and she glared at me, but I kept running. Harry was on my heels and once I reached my room, I quickly shut the door behind me, giggling.

"Cece!" Harry called.

"See you at three." I called out to him and started to get ready for my classes. I couldn't help the smile form on my face as I thought about the events this morning.




"Julie, pay attention." I whispered to my best friend and roommate. She sat beside me dozing off. I nudged her and she looked around cluelessly at first but then straightened up. She wasn't going to get her lecture notes in today.

"You shouldn't have stayed out all night." I gently scolded her. This was our relationship, we took care of each other.

"You still have to tell me about the hot guy I found in our bathroom today." She whispered drowsily, leaning her elbows onto the desk. Her head finally slumped down into her arms after trying to keep it up very difficultly. She was clearly very tired.

I patted her head slightly and heard small snores coming from her. Well she would get a thirty minute nap in this class.

I stared at the professor, then the chalkboard, then the bulletin board to the side. I couldn't concentrate today. I kept thinking about Harry and his stupid face which was very attractive. His eyes.. They were so green-

"Cecelia?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see my professor looking at me. We had a small class, so he knew all our names.

"I'm sorry professor. Yes?" I asked. I hadn't heard the question or what he had been talking about.

"What do you think about our discussion?"

I bit my lip. I had heard most of the discussion, but there were parts where I had zoned out completely. I gathered the words in my head and tried to explain to the professor briefly yet descriptively what I thought about the discussion. He nodded his head in agreement every few words and smiled a little at the end.

"Good." He said, and I felt a smile on my face. I always liked being good in school.

After that, my gaze was glued on the clock near the chalkboard. It was almost 3:00, meaning that it was almost time to see Harry. Gosh what was happening to me? I think I'm going crazy.

Pretty soon, I heard the professor dismissing us and I quickly woke up Julie and stood from my desk. I made sure Julie was alright to go back to the dorm and got my stuff together. As I walked out of the class and to the parking lot, I saw Harry leaning against his car near the front of the lot. I smiled at the sight of him, waiting for me.

I walked towards him and noticed his facial features relaxing when his eyes landed on me.

"Hi." He smiled.

"Hey." I grinned.

"Let's go shall we?" He asked, gesturing towards his car.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"I honestly don't know." He shrugged. I shrugged too and then got in the passenger side of the car.

"Let's grab lunch at this place I know." Harry said, concentrating on finding a good radio station.

"Okay that's fine with me." I shrugged, grabbing my phone. I had a notification. It was a text message.

I didn't recognize the number but I was left breathless when I saw the message.

Cece, I know where you are. Don't think you've gotten rid of me.


Note: cliffhanger! Comment down below who you think this Ryder guy is. I want to see y'all's guesses.

Keep your head held up high always, and don't let anybody let you down, because it's up to you to feel the way you do. Love you and Happy Four Years of 1D by the way! :')


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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