Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Guess the song for a dedication: "Been around the world, don't speak the language, but your booty don't need explaining. All I really need to understand is when you ____ __ _____ __"

Cece's POV:

I peered at the address as I drove down the road of my Uni.

I hummed lightly as I sat at the traffic light. Someone drove up to my left side. I looked over to see two huge guys in a truck. Their music was turned up and the one who was in the passenger seat was singing very loudly. They both had beards and looked like they belonged on motorcycles rather than a truck, because of their leather jackets, bandanas and beards.

"I got my first real six-string

Bought it at the five-and-dime

Played it 'til my fingers bled

It was the summer of '69." He sang loudly.

I looked at him and let out a laugh. Both of our windows were down, so he could hear me. He looked at me and then started singing the lyrics to me. I was surprised but I gave him an odd smile and then the traffic light turned green and he sped off, waving to me. I let out a chuckle and also drove ahead.

I followed the address and I finally reached an apartment complex. I drove into the guest parking and got out.

They were really nice apartments and in a good area too. I wonder how much they cost. Maybe I could get one here instead of paying for a dorm in Uni. My parents were pretty rich, but they wanted me to stand on my own two feet. Frankly, I wanted to do the same. I had to face life on my own and without them.

I stepped out of my car and tugged my jacket close to my body as I walked towards the lobby. Hey this was where my phone was and I intended to find it.

I opened the door and was greeted by warmth. The lobby was nicely decorated with ornate paintings and gilted furniture.

I approached the front desk and a lady with a kind smile greeted me.

"Hi, I'm looking for Harry Styles." I told her.

"Yes he lives here." She answered after checking the list.

"Can you tell me what floor he's on?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but that's confidential information." She firmly answered.

"Well can you call him or something to ask?"

"Okay. What is your name ma'am?"

"Cece," I told her. A second later I decided against it. "Sorry, Cecelia." I corrected myself. He had to learn to call me by my proper name, because he wasn't my friend.

She gave me a weird look and then picked up the phone. She dialed a number in and patiently waited.

"What?" I heard Harry's loud voice through the phone. He could've at least told her hello!

"There's a girl here named by Cecelia who wants to see you. Can I give her your floor number?" The receptionist informed.

"Cece?" Harry asked quietly. I couldn't help but notice the surprise in his voice. "Yeah give it to her." He answered, returning to his normal monotone.

She hung up the phone and told me his floor number.

I went to the elevator and finally got to the floor where he lived.

I knocked at his door, feeling a bit nervous. Why was I nervous? He's just obnoxious Harry.

"Obnoxiously hot Harry." 

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