Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Another update yay! I'm trying to get back on schedule :)

Cece's POV:

I didn't want this.

I didn't want to laugh with Harry and act like everything was okay, because it wasn't. He thought he could just fix things by rescuing me? No. Though, I am thankful that he was here at the right time. I don't know what would've happened, but I always knew I could rely on Harry to be here for me. That's one thing he did right.

"You know, now that I know who your dad is, I could always go talk to him." Harry smirked.

"And why would you do that?" My tone growing serious and my playfulness fading away. He needed to know that all of his lies weren't just going to vanish from my mind now that we were in talking terms again.

"Oh I don't know..." He shrugged cautiously, noting that I was no longer being playful with him.

"So um, did you ever get that flat you were looking for?" Harry questioned, his eyes focused on mine. He ruffled his hair and pushed it back, keeping it out of his face.

"No.. I stopped looking." I replied, trying to look away from his deep gaze. His face looked thoughtful, his nose scrunched up slightly. He honestly looked adorable this way. I don't know how he did it. I don't know how he could pull off looking adorable through all the tattoos and the piercings- the piercings now nonexistent.

"There are some flats up for rent near my flat." He said slowly. I couldn't help but be surprised. He remembered when I'd told him I liked the area where he lived?


"Do you want to take a walk?" He breathed out.

"It's like 20 degrees out there," I told him, sending him a questioning gaze. When I saw the scorn on his face, I said, "Okay fine."

He gave me a cheesy smile and caught up to me. He locked the door behind us and we walked to the elevator in silence.

"So how much do these flats cost?" I asked him, wondering.

"Rent is £300 every month." He stated as we went down the floors.

"That's great! Especially for this location!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah." He muttered.

"I might look into getting a flat here if I can't find any others." I suggested as we walked out of the elevator.

He turned around and looked at me, suddenly interested at my words.

*Flashback Over*

"You remembered?" I asked, my surprise evident.

"Of course I did," He nodded. His phone started buzzing on the counter and he looked at the screen. "Hey just give me a minute, I'll be right back." He offered me a smile. I nodded slowly and he disappeared into the crowd of people.

I took a sip of my drink, waiting for Harry to come back. I saw the bartender send me a smile and I returned it. He was pretty good looking with light, sandy hair and vibrant green eyes. Minutes passed by and I started playing this game on my phone. I let out a small squeal as I lost the game.

"What game are you playing?" Someone asked me and I looked up to see the bartender peering over my phone, his face dangerously close to mine. I hadn't even noticed him coming over here, because I was so into the game.

"Oh it's called 2048." I answered and showed him the screen.

"Oh I love that game!" He exclaimed. I laughed at his excitement.

"What's your high score?" He asked.

"Mine is 5,680 beat that!" I exclaimed, teasing.

I saw him reach into his pocket and grab his phone. In a few seconds he showed me his high score.

"12,340? Holy shit man! How did you get to that?" I shouted a bit.

"Practice," he smirked. "Oh and because I'm the best." He showed off and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Where are my manners? I forgot to introduce myself." He smacked his head.

"I'm Scott." He held out his hand.

"I'm Cecelia, it's nice to meet you." I smiled, shaking his sturdy hand.

"What a beautiful name, and a beautiful lady." He smiled. He was certainly the charmer.

"Why thank you." I said in a posh accent and he chuckled.

"I think you're a little bit drunk." He smiled, poking my nose.

"Not really," I shrugged. "Have you seen my friend?" I couldn't help but notice it had been 20 minutes and Harry was not back yet.

"No I haven't. Hey do you want to go grab a cup of coffee with me tomorrow?" Scott asked kindly.

"Yeah sure! Here's my number." I told him, writing my number down on a napkin and sliding it over to him.

"Okay see you at 10 tomorrow." He smiled and sauntered away, serving other customers at the bar. What a nice guy.

I looked at my phone and checked the time. It had been 30 minutes now. Where was he? Did he plan on ditching me again like he did earlier when we were at the park? Why had I even agreed to get a drink with him? He was just using me anyways. I stood from the bar stool and started making my way outside. I wasn't going to wait for him any longer.

I walked out of the musty club, and breathed in a breath of fresh air. I started walking towards a nearby taxi when I heard shouts coming from an alleyway.

"Hey I don't give a fuck what you think!" The male voice said loudly. He sounded awfully familiar.

"You can go to hell." A female voice said, running out the alley and stopping right in front of me.

"Cassidy?" I asked.

"Cece! Hey! I haven't seen you since the tube." She jogged towards me, wiping her eyes furiously trying to hide her tears. She was the girl I had accepted as my little sister basically back when we were trapped on the tube.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, pulling her into a hug.

"Oh nothing.." She trailed off.

"I know you're lying, you don't have to hide anything from me. We're like sisters aren't we?" I smiled at her and we started walking down the freezing streets of London.

"Well hello Cece." I heard that same male voice from behind.

I turned around and found a disheveled looking Brett staring at me.

Note: So there will be more Harry & Cece in the next chapter, in this one I just wanted to bring back a few characters from the tube incident, I tried describing them but if you don't remember who they are, chapter 2 and 3 should clear it up!

Stay happy beautifuls, because "happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light". -Albus Dumbledore. It's all up to you, your happiness lies in your hands. I love you all

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