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I got everything together and then headed into the house. Sometimes I get lonely in here, it's a five bedroom four and a half bath.

Anyways I walked over to the couch and put Terrell down and took him out his car seat. I put him in my lap and turned on the t.v we sat there watching Bubble Guppies.


He started whining and wiggling around, so I picked him up and started walking around the house and stopped at the patio, he stopped crying and just looked up at me.

"I love you so much you don't understand."

He started smiling and showing his gums.

"For you only to be four months you sure are up a lot."

He starts making baby noises and I slowly rocked him from side to side until my phone started ringing.

I looked at the clock on the t.v and realized it was 6:30. I walked to the couch and picked my phone up.


"Hey Rain."

"Hey Marcel I'm getting ready now. I got caught up."

"It's OK. But I wasn't just calling for that."

"OK what else?"

"So you and a couple other girls were requested for a party. Are you willing to participating?"

"Yea. I guess is it extra money?"

"For you yes. You give me the normal for the night and whatever else you feel like giving me."

"OK. I'll see you shortly."

"OK. By the way thank you so much."

"No problem."

"Alright bye."

"Bye boo."

I hung up my phone and threw it on the couch and went to go and bathe Terrell.

Ten minutes later I was drying him off and rubbing Johnson's baby lotion on him.

"Awwww you smell so good I can eat you."

He started laughing and then I started to put him on a diaper and his polo onesie on. After I was done I wrapped him in two blankets and walked next door to ask Ms.Renee if she could watch Terrell.

I knocked on the door two times before she opened the door.

"Your early tonight."

"I know I'm sorry."

"It's OK baby just as long as you getting paid and taking care of Mr. Handsome here your all good."

She doesn't know my job exactly but she supports my hussle.

"OK thank you. I appreciate you very much."

"I know you tell me this everyday baby. Now go and get ready."

"OK. Thank you again."

I took the blanket off of Terrell's face and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll see you later baby."

After saying that I gave him to Ms. Renee and she closed the door and I turned on my heels to go back home and get ready to go to this hell hole.

After my fifteen minute shower I got out and looked at the clock. It read 7:45. I dried off and oiled my body down in coconut oil and then put on a hot pink one piece.

I don't really like to show my body off but I show enough to make me money. I then put on a black sweat suit and sprayed on some Victoria Secret perfume.

I then walked to my closet and got my duffle bag and made sure everything was off in the house and went outside.

I chose to drive the black on black BMW because I haven't drove it in a while.

I got in the car and put my foot on the break and pressed the button and started the car. I looked at the clock and it said 7:58.

"Oh well I won't miss out on nothing but a few dollars."

I said to myself as I put the car in reverse and back down and out of the driveway.

Fifteen minutes I pulled up to "Dynamite" I parked in my parking spot then turned the car off and got out.

I walked to the door of the club and was let in by Big Mike.

"Hey Rain. When you gon let a real nigga make it rain on you?"

"Your so corny but we'll see."

I said with a smile on my face.

"Stop playing with me babygirl."

"I'm not playing. But I'm already late so I'll catch up with you later."

"Alright babydoll."

I walked away to the locker room and took off my sweat suit and put my belongings in my locker.

Before I locked it I sprayed some more perfume on and put on my gold six inch heels.

I went to Marcel's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I peeked my head in the door.

"You late baby."

"I know. And I'm sorry."

"It's OK. But your in room 2 and they waiting on you."


"Rain wait."


"Come in here all the way."

I walked into his office and sat in the chair infront of his desk.

"Listen babygirl. Your one of my best workers, and tonight we have Dontae one of my good homeboys in here. Please put on a good show, and give no attitude."

"I won't. Or I'll try not too."

"OK. Go in there and make your money baby."

He sang in his K camp voice, I shook my head and laughed.


I walked out his office and down the hall into room two. Once I stepped in I came face to face with the guy from Walmart.

"What a hell of a night I'm going to have."

I said out loud.

RAINOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora