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After going to my court date a couple weeks ago, I decided I wanted to do a speedy trail sense I knew they didn't have anything on me.

So today is my trail date and I'm currently getting transported to the court house. As they shackled and guided all us inmates off the bus and into the courthouse I began to feel nervous.

They processed us in then put us in a room, once I sat down on the bench I adjusted my shirt because it looked like the buttons we're going to pop open any moment.

As I sat there I began to think what could possibly happen. I could possibly go to jail for 10 to 15 years or-

"Alexander your up now!"

The officer said as he looked at me get up and walk over to him as he handcuffed me.

He guided me to the courtroom and once I stepped foot in there all eyes were on me. I couldn't look at anyone so I walked to my seat with my head down.

"Please rise. The Federal Courthouse of California in Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge John Matthews presiding."

Said the bailiff as he stood by the judges desk.

"Everyone but the jury may be seated. Mr. Washington, please swear in the jury."

"Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant?"

"I do."

Judge Matthwes asked as they waited for the ok to be given so they could be seated.

"You may be seated."

"Members of the jury, your duty today will be to determine whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based only on facts and evidence provided in this case. The prosecution has the
burden of proving the guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable doubt. This burden remains on the prosecution through the trial. The prosecution must prove that a crime was committed and that the defendant is the person who committed the crime. However, if you are not satisfied of the defendant's guilty to that extent, then reasonable doubt exists and the defendant must be found not guilty."

Said the judge as he looked at me and slightly shook his head, making me feel even more nervous.

"Mr. Washington, what is today's case?"

Mr. Matthews asked the bailiff Mr. Washington.

"Your Honor, today's case is The State of California versus Rain Alexander."

The bailiff said in return to the judge.

"Is the prosecution ready?"

The judge asked adjusting his glasses looking towards the prosecutors.

"Yes, Your Honor."

Said the prosecuting attorneys, as they looked over at me and the lady held a tight smirk.

"Is the defense ready?"

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