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I walked into the game room and sat on the sofa next to Katie. She looked up from the Bible she was reading, and looked over at Devon Jr. as he slept on the other couch snoring lightly.

"Hey Rain."

"Hey, what's up?"

She folded her legs into one another and sat facing me.

"I wanna ask you a personal question, if you don't mind."

"Alright, go ahead."

"How do you keep Shamar interested?"

I raised my eyebrows clueless as to what she was trying to get at.

"You know."

"Nah I don't know what you talking about, be more specific?"

"Your sex life? It's ok if you don't wanna answer."

"What about it, you wanna know exactly?"

"How do you keep him wanting more? I know Devon is getting tired of me and our normal, I want to try and spice things up a bit."

"So basically your asking me for sex advice?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well I'm not that experienced, you might wanna go ask Cookie for this type of information."

"She told me to ask you, because she didn't want to ruin my innocent ears."

I shook my head knowing exactly why she told her that.

"That old lady is a freak with a capital F."

I said and we started laughing.

"So how long have you two been together again?"

I asked after we calmed down from laughing.

"Almost two years."

"Damn, how do you put up with Devon silly ass?"

"I don't even know, half the time I ignore him."

"I know that's right, but uh what have you guys been doing?"

"We've experimented with different thing, but I don't know if he enjoys it."

I started laughing because this girl was so innocent, just like I was. When dealing with some one more experienced, you pick up on new things to do.

"Katie how old are you again?"


"Ok look Im going to be completely honest with you. I didn't start having sex until about two years ago, for the simple fact I didn't think I was ready to give myself fully away to a man I wasn't married to."

"I thought the same thing but Devon has a way with words and made me forget about being Christian. But back to you, what made to do it?"

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