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Today is Saturday and Devon decided that Terrell and I would chill with him for today and the rest of the weekend, since Shamar was outta town for a case and wouldn't be returning until Monday.

Terrell and I were laying on Devon's bed, watching T.V. while Devon was in his closet looking for something to wear.

"Rain can I ask you something?"

He said coming out of his closet dressed in a burgundy and white Adidas tracksuit with the matching shoes, looking identical to Terrell.

"What's up?"

I turned my head from looking at the T.V. towards him, as he walked to his dresser and sprayed on cologne.

"I need a favor."

"What might that be?"

"I need you to be my girlfriend for the day."

"Why? I'm pretty sure you have one."

"Nah I don't actually. And if I did it would be you."

He said as he mumbled the ending.

"What did you just say?"

"Like I said if I did it would be who?"

"Is there something you wanna tell me? You got some funny business going on?"

"Maybe. Let's get going to the mall. We got some shopping to do."

"Are you going to answer my second question?"

He looked at me for a few seconds before grabbing a sleeping Terrell, and walked out his room to the front door. I followed behind him as we got into his dark blue Mustang.

"Why did you want to spend the weekend with us?"

"Because we need bonding time."

"We bonded yesterday, you know after that incident at school and dinner last night."

"That wasn't enough time, now shut up."

He turned the radio up loud, which made me look in the backseat to see Terrell nodding his head with his eyes closed.

Thirty or so minutes later we pulled up to the mall. We parked right in front in the handicap spot.

"You can't park here. This is for disabled people."

"Shut up."

He reached over my lap to the glove compartment and took out a handicap placard.

"And before you ask yes I did take this from Cookie, she know damn well she ain't disabled. Just because you dance on a pole for five years don't make you special."

I died laughing for a couple seconds and then I stopped once Devon hit my thigh.

"Get out."

I hit him back then we got out the car and made our way into the mall. Terrell sat on Devon's shoulders as we walked through a couple stores.

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