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Today is Sunday and in a couple hours we're going to Shamar's Grandparents house for Sunday dinner. I decided to drive my car there, so if I don't like the feel of it I can leave and don't have to wait on him.

I got dressed in a simple gray one piece bodysuit that had the back out, and I wore my white air maxes. I dressed Terrell in his red and black Shirt and shorts set I got him from Children's place, with his black Adidas.

Once I was done putting on some clear glittery lipgloss and some mascara, I put my black prescription Ray Bans on, and picked Terrell up and grabbed his diaper backpack a.k.a my purse then we headed to the Challenger which I've been driving lately.

Once I made sure he was cool and secured, I hopped in the driver seat and put the address in the navigation, and texted Shamar letting him know we were on our way.

But first I stopped by Safeway and got a couple sodas, and some cookies and ice cream to take there with us, even though Shamar said I didn't need to bring anything.

Thirty minutes later I pulled up to an average suburban house with a long driveway with a few cars parked. All the cars were very nice, and looked to be fresh out the magazine.

Anyways I parked my car and got the  stuff and Terrell out his car seat, and put him in his stroller, and I walked up to the door and put the bags down and then knocked.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I stepped back and then I heard yelling. The door opened a couple seconds later and a older looking woman that looked to be Asian came to the door.

I was confused as to where I was, I was getting ready to tell her I had the wrong address until Shamar came to the door.

"Hey Rain. Grandma this is Rain."

"Hey baby im Cookie, now get your ass in here we've been waiting for you."

We laughed and Shamar grabbed the bags as his grandma pushed Terrell's stroller into the house.

She stopped by the door and coed over him. Then I took him out, making sure to put the stroller out the walkway. I followed his grandma down the long hallway that was filled with pictures, hanging nicely on each side. When we reached the living room it got quite, and everyone was just looking at me.

"H-Hi everyone."

I said nervously standing there as they continued to stare, as I held Terrell a little tighter to my chest.

"Why are you guys looking at her like that?"

Shamar asked coming from wherever he was. They continued to be quite so I took that as my que to leave.


They all said at once, while Shamar grabbed ahold of my arm and turned me around, as he whispered in my ear.

"Why'd you buy that shit, and I told you don't bring anything?"

I shrugged my shoulders, and looked at his family as a guy that looked to be in his late thirties got up and made his way towards us.

"Hey my name is Shawn, and I'm Shamar's father."

He said while grabbing my hand right hand and kissed it, when he looked back up I smiled.

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