Chapter 3

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Two moons had passed, and ever since that night, Bloodkit felt happier about his life. He spent his days playing with Swiftkit, despite the cold looks Poisonedsap and Stonekit gave him whenever he went near the other kit. He and Swiftkit had made up more games since. In addition to moss-ball, they had tag, pounce, and frogs.

But that wasn't the only change in the nursery. Last moon, Diamondrain had given birth to a couple of kits: Mistykit and Coldkit. The kits looked very similar. Both wore silvery gray pelts and darker points. However, Coldkit was a bit darker than his sister. They didn't do much but squirm around their mother and suckle. Their eyes hadn't opened yet. Bloodkit was glad that he wasn't the youngest kit in the nursery anymore.

"Got you!" Bloodkit caught up to Swiftkit and poked him in the shoulder. "You're it!"

"You'd better watch out!" the black and white kit yowled playfully, and Bloodkit yelped, rearing back before the white paw could touch him. He raced toward Bloomfire, and she gasped as the two kits leaped over her.

"Great Starclan!" Poisonedsap hissed, lashing her tail as she watched the kits, her amber eyes no more than narrow slits.

"Watch out for Diamondrain's kits!" Bloomfire added warily. "They're too young for such rough play."

"It's alright," The silver queen assured her, curling her silky tail over her kits. "I'm keeping an eye on those rascals," She purred.

Bloomfire let out a purr. "Wait until yours are that age. They do nothing but cause trouble."

Bloodkit paused, skidding to a halt and looking over his shoulder. "Hey!"

His mother let out an amused purr, her green eyes glowing with affection. Swiftkit suddenly barreled into him, pinning him on his stomach. "Got you!" He yowled triumphantly.

"That's not fair!" Bloodkit exclaimed in dismay as Swiftkit stepped off of him. "Bloomfire distracted me." He sat up and shook out his dark red fur.

Stonekit sat near Poisonedsap, watching his brother through narrow yellow slits. He lashed his thick white tail. "I'm bored," He complained.

"Yes, Swiftkit, come play with your brother!" Poisonedsap growled. "You do nothing but play unproductive games with Bloodkit." Bloodkit twitched his ear. Unproductive?

Swiftkit hesitated, casting him a look. "But-"

Poisonedsap let out a warning growl.

"O-okay," Swiftkit took a wary step back from Bloodkit. "We'll play again later, okay?"

"Okay." Bloodkit sat down near Bloomfire, flicking the tip of his tail over his paws. It was clear that Poisonedsap didn't approve of his friendship with Swiftkit. But he didn't think about it anymore. I like Swiftkit, and Swiftkit likes me. He thought. We aren't harming anyone! If she has a problem with it, that's-

"Rrrahh!" Stonekit lunged at Swiftkit, who let out a startled squeak as he was pinned.

"Great attack, Stonekit!" Poisonedsap praised, watching her kits eagerly. "Now go for his belly."

Swiftkit let out a shriek as the larger white kit raked his claws across his white belly fur before he swung a black forearm at his brother, catching his ear. Stonekit let out a cry as his ear was torn open, rearing back from Swiftkit, who launched his own attack.

"Good, Swiftkit!" Poisonedsap purred.

Bloodkit could only watch in horror as Stonekit and Swiftkit fought, drawing blood and sending tiny tufts of black and white fur across the den, while their mother watched intently, encouraging them. They can't do that! Bloodkit thought anxiously. You're not allowed to unsheathe your claws in training. And they aren't even training! They're supposed to be playing!

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