Chapter 18

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A cool breeze ran along Bloodfur's pelt, awakening him. He slowly blinked open his yellow eyes, confused for a moment as he took in his surroundings. This isn't the warriors den... He was curled up against the half-exposed roots of a large pine tree. He felt damp leaves and pine needles beneath him. After a heartbeat, it all came back to him. The clan's accusations... Flameheart and Bloomfire's secret... I'm not their son. They lied to me. Bloodfur closed his eyes, feeling grief weighing at his heart. But the feeling only lasted for a moment before anger replaced it. He slowly rose to his paws and grunted as he stretched out, his tail in the air and his muzzle close to the ground. They'll pay for this. He thought, digging his claws into the earth. I'll make sure they do.


He jumped a little and turned to see Revengeheart step out of the bushes, amber eyes fixed on him. "You never returned to camp?" He sounded surprised.

After the two cats had spoken last night, Revengeheart had gone back to the camp. Bloodfur had told him he'd catch up in a little while. But the more he'd thought about it, the more he realized that he didn't want to go back. He didn't want to face his clanmates glares. He didn't want to even look at Flameheart and Bloomfire. So he'd decided to spend the night here in the forest. For all he knew, some cat like Crowmask would try to kill him while he was asleep.

"I didn't want to go back there," Bloodfur muttered.

The scarred tom nodded, sympathy flickering in his eyes. "Come on. I'm going to meet with the others." He flicked his tail before turning away. "Join us."

Bloodfur hesitated before following. It was quiet for a while as the two cats headed through the forest. He looked at Revengeheart. "You didn't know, did you?" He asked.

"About your parents?" The tom asked, not meeting Bloodfur's gaze. "No. But my mother told me about Hawkfeather's omen when I was a kit."

Bloodfur bristled. "And you never told me?" Great, I can't trust him either!

The tom shot him a look. "Keep your fur on," He growled. "I saw no point in telling any cat. Omens are a load of fox dung! There is no StarClan. That fluff brained medicine cat just wanted to stir up trouble! Good thing he's dead."

Bloodfur was unsure. Do I believe in StarClan? I've had dreams of that she-cat telling me the prophecy... And I saw Starfaith at the moonstone... But perhaps it was just dreams and my mind playing tricks. " So you don't think I'll destroy ShadowClan?"

"Of course not!" Revengeheart snorted, almost sounding amused. "No cat is destined to do anything!"

They continued walking in silence. Bloodfur looked down as he walked. He imagined his claws sinking into every cat who had ever wronged him. Crowmask... Flameheart... Bloomfire... Depthstar! The clan leader even sat there doing nothing while the clan was ready to rip my throat out! "I can't believe it!" He blurted out in a snarl, unable to hold in his thoughts any longer. "I can't believe every cat in this clan lied to me! And they treated me differently my whole life, just because of Hawkfeather! The stupid furball! If he were still alive, I would rip his-"

Revengeheart rested his tail over Bloodfur's shoulders, startling him. "Take it easy." He meowed as Bloodfur glared at him, his fur slowly flattening. Revengeheart almost looked pleased at his anger. "All of ShadowClan is going to pay, my friend. You just need patience. Since the clans have disrespected you, you're going to disrespect them."

Bloodfur twitched his ear. What does he mean? They neared a clearing where several cats sat waiting. Blackstorm and Mottledface were speaking quietly to each other. Foxshadow was sitting in the shade of a pine tree, his fluffy tail twitching as he grumbled to them. Mistybreeze and Swiftstalker were the only cats who were silent. As he and Revengeheart arrived, the cats turned their attention to them.

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