Chapter 6

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"Bloodkit! Look at me!" Mistykit squeaked as she leaped into the air. "Look how high I can jump!"

He let out a purr of amusement. "Be careful! If you jump any higher, your head is going to pop through the roof of the den!"

Coldkit shouldered his sister aside, puffing out his chest. "I bet I can jump higher!" He boasted. "I'll be able to catch every bird in the forest!"

The light gray she-kit leaped to her paws. "Will not!"

"Will too!"

As the kits began to bicker, Bloodkit's attention turned to the clearing. Outside of the den, he saw Swiftpaw padding across the clearing to the elders den, holding a wad of wet moss in his jaws. Suddenly, Revengepaw rushed past him, shoving his brother aside. "Race you!" He mumbled around the moss he was carrying. Swiftpaw purred and bounded after him.

Bloodkit looked away, his heart sinking. Two moons ago, Swiftpaw had become an apprentice. He'd promised to visit him when he could. But his old friend hadn't said a word to him since. Bloodkit tried to tell himself that Swiftpaw was just busy with his training, but he couldn't help but feel like the black and white apprentice had forgotten him.

Maybe we aren't even friends anymore. Bloodkit thought miserably. He missed having Swiftpaw in the nursery. However, on the bright side, Poisonedsap had returned to her warrior duties, and somehow the nursery felt safer without her. Bloomfire and Diamondrain seemed relieved to have her gone too.

He saw the newest warrior, Mottledface, rush by the nursery toward the apprentices. "Hey, Revengepaw!" He called. "Wanna go practice some battle moves?"

The big white apprentice's eyes gleamed, his tail twitching. "Yeah!" He turned to his brother. "Come on!"


He faintly heard Mistykit call out his name, but was still distracted. Something touched him and he snapped out of his thoughts, turning to see that his mother had rested her tail on his shoulder, looking at him with concern. "Are you alright?"

As Coldkit and Mistykit began to play together, Bloodkit looked down. "Swiftpaw doesn't talk to me. I don't think he wants to be my friend anymore."

Bloomfire's green eyes softened with sympathy. "I'm sure that's not true." She rasped her tongue over his head. "Swiftpaw is an apprentice now. He has more duties and responsibilities." She paused. "You'll be seeing each other more often soon enough."

He blinked, tilting his head. "What do you mean?"

The orange she-cat let out an amused purr. "Don't tell me you've forgotten! You're being apprenticed today!"

Bloodkit's heart nearly shot up his throat as he remembered. Today's the day! I'm going to start training to be a warrior! "I am!" He squeaked out. "Yes!"

"What?" Coldkit and Mistykit leaped apart, their gray fur fluffing up as they stared at Bloodkit with wide eyes. They raced at him, and he let out a startled purr as they tackled him. "Don't go!" Mistykit wailed, pawing at his back while her brother pounced on his tail.

"Who's going to play with us?" Coldkit protested. "We need you!" He sprang onto his back, nipping his ear.

Mistykit pressed her muzzle into his fur. "We'll be lonely!"

Bloodkit gently pushed them away, stumbling to his feet and shaking scraps of moss from his pelt, touched by their words. He hadn't realized how much he meant to them. "Don't worry, I'll still be around!" He paused. "I'll visit you as often as I can, and show you everything I learn."

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