Chapter 16

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A gentle breeze wafted through the camp as the sun peered over the horizon. Green-leaf was coming quickly, and it was clear that today would be one of the first warm days the clan would see. Many cats sat in the clearing, some speaking to each other quietly, others sharing fresh kill. Near the meeting rock, Cobratail was organizing the patrols for the day. The two elders, Buzzardglare and Bluerain, slept soundly in their den. Just over a moon ago, Carrottail and Foxshine had died.

Bloodfur sat at the edge of the clearing, his paws tingling with excitement. Two moons had past, and it was finally time for Bloomfire's kits to begin their training. He expected that Depthstar would call a meeting soon to apprentice the kits. He was eager to find out which of his siblings would be his apprentice.

Poisonedsap padded out of the warriors den and purred a greeting to Cougarfoot, who blinked warmly. She wove around her mate for a moment, brushing her ragged tail over his neck before continuing across the clearing to where Revengeheart and his friends sat.

Last moon, Poisonedsap's kits had been apprenticed, and she had returned to her warrior duties. Additionally, Mistypaw and Coldpaw had earned their warrior names; Mistybreeze and Coldpebble. Bloodfur had attempted to congratulate them, but they had ignored him. Mistybreeze seemed to never leave Revengeheart's side, but her brother stayed away from the group and focused more on hunting and patrolling. Judging by how often he saw them together, Bloodfur guessed Revengeheart and Mistybreeze would be mates soon. I don't know what she sees in a cat like him. Bloodfur thought. But I guess it's none of my business. Whatever makes her happy.

He saw movement out of the corner of his eye and snapped his attention to Depthstar. The clan leader had emerged from his den. He paused to stretch out for a moment, then continued up the meeting rock. It's time. Bloodfur thought, his stomach turning with anticipation.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather for a clan meeting!"

The clan gathered, but Bloodfur noticed that Revengeheart and his friends remained where they were, casting cold looks at the clan leader. That's rude. He thought. What do they have against Depthstar?

Bloomfire's kits raced out of the nursery, their tails high in the air. Their eyes showed just how excited they were. "Oh, kits!" Bloomfire followed them more slowly. "I have to clean you up first!"

Flameheart joined his mate, purring. "They look fine."

Bloodfur watched as the four kits sat alongside each other, staring up at Depthstar eagerly.

"Cardinalkit, Heatkit, Foxkit, Applekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed." Depthstar meowed. Foxkit let out an excited squeak. Beside her, Cardinalkit trembled with excitement, his tail waving back and forth.

"Foxkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Foxpaw. Your mentor will be Ashcloud."

Bloodfur watched as the orange and white she-cat padded forward to meet the gray and white warrior, touching noses with him. So it won't be Foxpaw...

Next, the clan leader turned his attention to Heatkit. Bloodfur grew hopeful. He admired the kit's eagerness and determination. Heatkit would make a good apprentice. But instead, Depthstar assigned Heatpaw to Cliffshade. He looked to the two remaining kits. Cardinalkit was careful, but eager to learn. Applekit already showed a fair amount of self confidence and pride in her clan. Bloodfur couldn't hope for one over the other. Both kits would make excellent apprentices.

Depthstar looked to Cardinalkit, who stared up at his leader anxiously. "Cardinalkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cardinalpaw." Bloodfur held his breath as he awaited Depthstar's next words.

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