Chapter 8

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"Fox-dung!" Bloodpaw hissed as the thrush flew into the air moments before he could grasp it. He stumbled clumsily as his paws hit the ground, looking up irritably as the bird flapped and disappeared into the trees.

It had been several days since the gathering. His apprenticeship was going well. He'd spent this time training with Brownstripe and collecting moss for the elders with Swiftpaw. He enjoyed having his own nest in the apprentices den and talking to Swiftpaw late at night without having the queens tell them to go to sleep. However, it wasn't fun sharing the den with Revengepaw. The massive tom consistently growled and twitched in his sleep, as though he dreamed of battle. It was unsettling to Bloodpaw. Swiftpaw never said much about it.

He heard Brownstripe approach and looked back, feeling disappointed in himself. Great, what'll he think of me? This is the third time I've tried to catch a bird! But his mentor didn't give much away. He looked at Bloodpaw calmly, his ear twitching. "Good try. Why don't you try for a mouse or a frog instead?" He suggested.

A mouse or a frog, he says! Bloodpaw thought crossly. He'd mastered mice and frogs. They were easy! It was birds that were more difficult. It's harder to catch something when it can fly away from you!

"Over there," Brownstripe pointed his muzzle toward a tree. "There's usually some among the roots."

"Why can't you just show me how to properly catch a thrush?" Bloodpaw asked.

The tabby didn't respond, looking distracted. "There's mice over there. Go on."

Bloodpaw sighed and headed toward the tree Brownstripe had pointed out. He'd never actually given him advice when he missed a catch, or even point out what he was doing wrong. In addition to that, he seemed very distracted. Bloodpaw assumed that it was because his mate, Rosebreeze, had moved into the nursery yesterday. She wouldn't have her kits for a few moons, but Brownstripe still seemed to think about her and his future kits constantly. Bloodpaw couldn't blame him, but still felt that he deserved his mentor's attention. he's supposed to be training me!

I don't want to catch another stupid mouse! He paused beside the roots, glancing over his shoulder at Brownstripe. He was looking aside at some trees, lost in thought again. An idea popped into his head. I will catch a thrush! He decided determinedly. Maybe that will impress you. He raised his head and peered into the branches above. He spotted one perched on a branch, almost camouflaged against the tree. Bloodpaw narrowed his eyes. It was very high up. But it looked fat and easy to catch. That one's mine! He leaped at the base of the tree, grunting as he dug his claws into the bark.

Alright! He thought, pulling himself up onto a branch. This isn't so bad... He continued to climb up the tree, slowing his pace as he neared the thrush. There! As he settled the branch, he accidentally brushed against a branch of pine needles. Several jabbed into his side, and he shifted away. It hurt, but he held his tongue. Ow!

He looked down and tensed, immediately digging his claws into the branch. Great StarClan, I'm high! He began to feel dizzy and quickly turned his attention to the thrush several fox lengths ahead. It was cleaning itself, poking its beak under its wing. Bloodpaw swallowed. Okay... I'll catch it, and then jump over to that tree beside it... I'll climb down there. He began to carefully shift himself along the branch toward the bird. He lowered his body against the branch, fixing his yellow eyes on the speckled creature. I've got you now! He sprang at the thrush, claws outstretched, but the bird heard and immediately ascended from the branch.

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