Chapter 13

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Bloodpaw sat outside the nursery, his tail twitching impatiently. He longed to see what was happening inside. Was Bloomfire alright? How many kits would there be? Would they be healthy? A little ways from him, Poisonedsap sat with her kits leaping around her restlessly.

"When can we go back in?" Spiderkit demanded, waving his black tail. "We left our mossball in there!"

"Yeah!" Amberkit added, looking disappointed. "We weren't finished playing."

Their mother flicked them on the ears. "We'll go back as soon as Bloomfire's kits arrive," She meowed.

Falconkit looked up at her impatiently. "How long will that take?"

She narrowed her dark amber eyes. "It depends on how well the kitting goes."

Poisonedsap's words made Bloodpaw anxious. "Will something go wrong?" He asked anxiously. "Will Bloomfire be okay?"

The golden brown she-cat didn't respond. As Bloodpaw's stomach churned with anxiety, a white she-cat padded to his side, and he turned to see Song looking at him sympathetically. "Don't worry, Bloodpaw," She told him. "Your mother will be fine. She's in good paws."

He still felt uneasy. "Will Dewstorm be able to handle it on his own?" It had been two moons since Bloodpaw's encounter with Hawkfeather in the forest. Just one day later, the medicine cat had been found dead in their territory with horrible teethmarks in his throat. The clan had been shocked and ready to accuse ThunderClan, however, no ThunderClan scent was found near the body. Depthstar concluded that Hawkfeather must have been murdered by a rogue. Patrols had been increased since then, and every cat was on the lookout for trespassers, and Hawkfeather's potential killer. Dewstorm had taken over the role of ThunderClan's sole medicine cat. Bloodpaw guiltily felt a little safer with Hawkfeather gone, no longer having to catch the medicine cat's accusing stare. But he didn't deserve to die...

"Of course," Song assured him. "Dewstorm helped with many kittings, and even handled some on his own when Hawkfeather was busy. He has plenty of experience."

Bloodpaw dipped his head, grateful for the she-cat's support. "Thank you." He paused, noticing Stripednose across the clearing. "Will you be in the nursery soon?"

Song's blue eyes widened, and she flicked her tail at his ear playfully. "Quiet, Bloodpaw!" She purred.

As he purred, he saw movement from the corner of his eye and snapped his attention to the nursery. Dewstorm padded out, looking weary, but happiness gleamed in his eyes. "You can go in, Bloodpaw."

Bloodpaw's heartbeat quickened with excitement, and he hesitated before ducking into the nursery, brushing past Dewstorm as he left. The moment he entered the den, warmth spread through him from ears to tail tip. His mother lay in her nest with four little bundles at her belly. Her eyes were closed contently. Flameheart sat over them. "Bloodpaw," He turned to look at his son. He'd never seen his father so happy. Was he like that when I was born?

Bloomfire opened her eyes and blinked warmly at him. "Come meet your brothers and sisters."

Bloodpaw's heart swelled as he padded closer and peered down at the kits. They were all different shades of orange and gold. Flameheart pointed his tail at a little orange-red tabby tom. "This is Cardinalkit," He purred. "The orange and white she-cat is Foxkit."

"The dark ginger and white tom is Heatkit," Bloomfire murmured, rasping her tongue over the little kit's head. "And the yellow tabby she-cat is Applekit."

Bloodpaw purred loudly, admiring the kits. They're my kin! I finally have more kin in the clan. And they'll like me! "They're amazing." He touched his nose to his mother's, and Flameheart wrapped his tail around him. For the first time in moons, Bloodpaw felt a warm sense of belonging. Even if I don't have the clan, I'll always have my family. He thought. They're all I need.

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