Chapter 7

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Bloodpaw followed Brownstripe into the camp, his paws sore from walking around the territory. He supposed he'd get used to that soon. He was deep in thought, still startled by his mentor's behaviour. His words echoed in his mind. "Remember. No matter who they are... or how young they are... warriors will tear apart any enemy. Do you understand?"

Bloodpaw tried to convince himself that his mentor had simply been telling him about the loyalty and strength that a warrior needed to defend his clan. But the way Brownstripe had looked at him... He knew that wasn't true. The words had been aimed toward him as though he were the enemy. I don't understand! He thought miserably. What is it about me? Why do so many cats see me as a threat?

"Hey, Bloodpaw!" He looked up to see Swiftpaw racing over to him, and he forced a purr, pushing away his worrisome thoughts. "How was your first day out as an apprentice?" His friend prompted. "Did you see the territory?"

"Yeah!" He felt a bit better as he remembered the scents and wonder of the forest. "It's amazing!"

"I know!" Swiftpaw meowed, his tail waving. "Did you see the thunderpath?"

Bloodpaw shuddered. "Yes, and I never want to see it again," He purred. "What did you do today?"


Revengepaw ran over, slamming his brother aside with one of his broad shoulders. "We did some awesome battle training!" He boasted while Swiftpaw regained balance. "Cougarfoot showed me this one move-" He broke off and crouched. "Watch!" He sprang at his brother, who let out a started grunt as he was pushed over onto his back. Revengepaw pinned him and began swiping sheathed hind paws at his soft white belly fur.

"Hey!" Swiftpaw complained, and his brother leaped off of him, looking proud of his demonstration.

"Now imagine if my claws were unsheathed and his blood and guts were flying all over the clearing!' Revengepaw purred.

Bloodpaw flattened his ears, disturbed. "I-I'd rather not..."

Revengepaw chuckled as Swiftpaw got to his paws and shook pine needles from his fur. "I'm going to be the fiercest warrior the forest has ever seen!" The white tom boasted, crouching and flexing his claws. "I can't wait to test my skills on the ThunderClan cat who killed Maplefur." He narrowed his amber eyes.

Swiftpaw sat down and looked away. "There's no proof a ThunderClan cat did it," He mumbled.

His brother glared at him. "He was found right across the border! What more proof do you need?"

"He has a point." Bloodpaw had to agree.

"But that doesn't mean he died there." The black and white apprentice shuffled his paws. "I-I mean.. What if-"

"Swiftpaw! Revengepaw!"

Bloodpaw turned to see Poisonedsap and Cougarfoot padding across the clearing to them. The two golden furred warriors stayed shoulder to shoulder, pelts brushing. Bloodpaw was willing to bet every frog in the forest that they were mates now. He was still surprised at how quickly Poisonedsap had moved on. It seemed like the moment Maplefur's body was found, she fell for Cougarfoot. I suppose they were never very close anyway. He thought, remembering Maplefur and Poisonedsap arguing over Swiftpaw and Revengepaw. I can't imagine what any warrior would see in her...

The couple reached them, and Bloodpaw noticed Swiftpaw's fur flattening like he'd been startled by them. Did she scare him that much? Poisonedsap touched her nose to Revengepaw's, then rasped her tongue over his ear. "I'm so proud of you," She purred. She cast Cougarfoot a warm look. "You're lucky to have Cougarfoot as a mentor."

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