Chapter 25

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Bloodfur padded into the shadowy forest with his companions. The sky was a dark lavender, the sun hiding beyond the horizon. The grass was damp and speckled with dew. Revengeheart had brought a large number of them out for a training session. Looking at all of the cats with them, Bloodfur realized just how many of his clanmates were involved with Poisonedsap and Deserve's plot.

Swiftstalker, Mistybreeze, and Blackstorm were close to Revengeheart. Not far from them, Foxshadow and Mottledface chuckled together. Spiderfang, Amberrose, and Falconclaw followed them, chatting loudly. Cougarfoot was walking near Bloodfur.

Poisonedsap had wanted to join them, but Cougarfoot had insisted she stay in the nursery with their newborn kits: Gingerkit, Duskkit, Leafkit, and Rowankit. They had been born just a few days ago, the morning after Bloodfur and Mistybreeze had walked together in the forest.

"Alright," Revengeheart meowed when they reached a clearing, turning to the group. "Let's partner up." He studied the group. "Mottledface, you go with Spiderfang. Foxshadow, you and Amberrose..."

Amberrose purred and nuzzled the dark furred warrior before they padded away. They'll be mates soon. Bloodfur realized.

Revengeheart turned to his brother. "Swiftstalker, you can go with Falconclaw. Cougarfoot, go with them." When the three walked away, he continued. "And I'll team up with Blackstorm," He decided, flashing Mistybreeze a glare. "Since Mistybreeze is such a bad fighter."

The other cats broke into amused laughter, and Mistybreeze looked down, her tail drooping. Bloodfur lashed his tail, anger prickling through him. How dare he? "I guess that leaves me and Mistybreeze," He meowed, hoping Revengeheart would agree to that.

To his relief, the black legged tom nodded. "Alright."

Bloodfur turned away to find a place where they could practice, and Mistybreeze followed. Once they were out of the others views, she fell in beside him, looking downward. He wasn't sure if it was his place to ask, but after some thought, he decided to do it. "Why does Revengeheart treat you so badly?" He asked quietly.

The silver she-cat didn't respond right away, seeming incredibly hesitant. She let out a sigh. "He's mad because I won't have kits," She admitted, startling Bloodfur. "He's been pressuring me about it for moons. I don't know why he's so insistent about it."

Bloodfur twitched his tail, feeling anger boiling inside him. How could Revengeheart do that? That's not right! He remembered how Poisonedsap had pressured Cougarfoot into having more kits and he began wondering if there was a connection between the two cats urgencies to have kits. I know Spiderfang, Amberrose, and Falconclaw were brought into our group pretty much the moment they were made apprentices... Was that Poisonedsap's plan all along? Is Revengeheart thinking the same way? "Do you want kits?" He asked.

Mistybreeze hesitated thoughtfully. "Maybe," She muttered. "But not his."

"Then why are you mates?" He asked, confused.

She sighed. "I don't know. He seemed like a different cat at the time. I had no idea what I was getting into, like this whole alliance with Deserve to attack the clans. I want no part in this!"

Bloodfur was surprised to hear this. Doesn't she see how terrible the clans treat some of us? Doesn't she see what we're fighting for? But he realized that he had too much respect for Mistybreeze to hold this against her. He was willing to support whatever she believed. "Why don't you leave?"

"I don't think I can," She sounded troubled. "They won't let me, and... I think I know too much."

His fur prickled with unease. "They wouldn't kill you."

"I wouldn't put it past that group of fox hearts." She suddenly stopped in her tracks, looking at Bloodfur sharply as though she just remembered he was one of them. Fear flashed in her eyes. She said too much. He realized as he turned to her. She never intended to tell me all of that. "Please don't tell Revengeheart any of that!" She begged anxiously. "Or anyone else!"

He felt uneasy at the thought of hiding something from Revengeheart. The tom had a lot of cats behind him. If any cat knew Bloodfur was keeping secrets from him... It wouldn't end well. However, he couldn't bring himself to tell on Mistybreeze. He would feel horrible if anything happened to her.

Mistybreeze saw that he was hesitating, her blue eyes filled with panic. "Please, Bloodfur!"

"I won't," He assured, but she still looked uncertain. "I promise, I won't tell any cat. You can trust me."

"I thought so." Her fur slowly flattened as she relaxed. "Thanks."

They continued walking until they reached a small clearing. The sun was beginning to rise, causing the dew on the grass to glisten. "Okay," He hesitantly faced her, suddenly unsure about this. He'd never battle trained with a she-cat before. And the fact that it was Mistybreeze made him more hesitant. "How about we keep our claws sheathed?"

Mistybreeze twitched her tail hesitantly. "Revengeheart wouldn't like that."

"Revengeheart isn't here," He reminded her.

She hesitated before nodding. "Okay, let's start." She crouched and stared at him, preparing for his attack, but Bloodfur didn't move. "Well?"

"You can start," He meowed. I don't want to attack her!

"Okay." Mistybreeze launched herself at him, and he was surprised at her strength as she barrelled into him and rolled him to the ground. Bloodfur hesitated before gently batting her shoulder with a sheathed paw. She barely moved and leaped away from him, blinking. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Bloodfur tensed. Come on, she's going to think you're weak! He sprang at her and pushed her onto her side with his front paws. He raised a paw, but Mistybreeze was quicker. A hard silver paw batted his head, and he ducked to avoid her next swing, stepping back.

She leaped to her paws, looking amused. "For StarClan's sake, Bloodfur! I'm not a delicate kit!" Her tail twitched. "Treat me like a real enemy!"

I will! Bloodfur swung a paw at her only to slow at the last minute, weakening the blow to her forehead. Mistybreeze let out a low growl and sprang at him, pinning him onto his back.

"Come on, fight properly!" She exclaimed, looking irritated.

Bloodfur tried to free himself, but found that he couldn't. She's really strong for being such a thin, light cat! "I can't." He admitted.

"Why?" She growled, her ears flattening. "Do you think I'm weak too?"

"No!" He insisted. "You're great at fighting, I just don't want to accidentally hurt you. You're my friend, and such a kind, beautiful cat..." He trailed off, growing hot with embarrassment. Why did I say that?? He dared to meet Mistybreeze gaze, seeing surprise lighting her eyes. After a moment she let out a purr, looking touched.

"You know, you're not like any of those other cats, Bloodfur." She leaned down and rubbed her muzzle alongside his, and he purred loudly.

"What's going on?"

They sprang apart at Revengeheart's snarl. They turned to see the white tom standing at the edge of the clearing, his eyes lit with anger.

"We were training," Mistybreeze meowed uneasily.

"It didn't look like training to me," Revengeheart's tail lashed furiously. "You already have a mate: me!" He shouldered her aside, then approached Bloodfur, who flattened his ears anxiously. "You'd better back off, or I'll rip your pelt off!" He snarled. "Got it?"

Bloodfur nodded, his fur bristling with fear. He'd never seen Revengeheart this angry, and he wasn't going to wait and see if his threat was literal. "Of course." He lowered his head. "Sorry."

Revengeheart's amber eyes burned into Bloodfur's and he swallowed nervously. After a moment, the tom spun around, nudging Mistybreeze forward. "Let's go." He cast Bloodfur one last glare before they left.

Bloodfur stared after them, his tail lashing slowly. I'm starting to think Revengeheart isn't a friend after all... And I hate him now that I know how he treats Mistybreeze!

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