Chapter 22

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The next day, Bloodfur stalked through the grass, eyes fixed on a mouse. He was out hunting with his friends again. He enjoyed practicing his skills, considering he would have to use them on something much bigger than prey tonight. Something silver streaked past him and Bloodfur blinked, watching as Mistybreeze pounced on the mouse, swiftly biting it's neck.

I was going to catch that. He hesitated before stepping out, heading toward her. "Good catch," He meowed and she spun to face him, startled. "I was hesitating too long."

"Oh." Mistybreeze twitched her tail. "Sorry. I didn't realize you were stalking it too."

"It's okay," Bloodfur meowed. She buried her catch and glanced at him warily before turning away. She really doesn't want to talk to me. He thought with a pang of regret. I shouldn't have told her and Coldpebble that I didn't want them around... But maybe that's not all. Maybe she thinks I really did kill Diamondrain... He hesitated before stepping to her side. "I didn't kill your mother," He blurted out without thinking.

Mistybreeze stopped and looked at him sharply, holding his gaze for a moment. "I know you didn't," She meowed at last. "You wouldn't hurt anyone." She paused. "At least, not with your claws."

Bloodfur felt a pang of guilt. She and Coldpebble are still hurt about what I said! Ever since he'd started hanging around Revengeheart and the others, He had assumed everything was fine between he and Mistybreeze. But obviously he'd been wrong. She started walking away, and Bloodfur found himself padding alongside her. He had to say something. He tried to gather the right words. Mistybreeze didn't look at him, seeming uncomfortable.

When he still hadn't found the right words, he figured he'd just go with the ones that had been stored in his mind for seasons. "I'm sorry about what I said to you and Coldpebble all those moons ago." He meowed quietly.

The silver she-cat glanced at him, but said nothing. He decided to go on. "I've been wanting to apologize since the moment I said it, but the time was never right, and I didn't think you or your brother wanted to hear anything I had to say." He paused, deciding not to mention Swiftstalker's influence on his actions. If he hadn't yelled at me that day, I might not have taken it out on Mistybreeze and Coldpebble. "I had a lot going on, and I didn't mean to take it out on you. I'm sorry."

Mistybreeze didn't respond right away, and Bloodfur's stomach twisted as he wondered if she would reject his apology. Please forgive me..!

"I forgive you, Bloodfur," She said after a moment, and he relaxed a little. But she still looked quite uncomfortable. "We should go back to the group." She quickly turned away and raced back through the trees.

I can't tell if that went well or not... He thought, hesitating before following her. But at least she forgives me...


He and his companions returned to camp and he quickly joined them under the shadows of a pine tree at the side of the clearing. Revengeheart and Mistybreeze lay near him. Near the apprentices den, Cardinalpaw was speaking to Timberstorm, his new mentor. The apprentice caught Bloodfur's eye, then looked away.

Bloodfur twitched his tail, suppressing a feeling of guilt. Timberstorm will be a better mentor to him, anyway. He'll show him how to be a cruel, selfish clan cat, just like him.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the rock for a clan meeting!"

He looked at the meeting rock where Depthstar sat, sunlight gleaming on his sleek pelt. As the clan began gathering, many cats glanced at Bloodfur with cold, distrustful glares. You'll pay. Bloodfur thought, gritting his teeth. You'll pay when you find your medicine cats dead tonight.

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