Midnight. Chapter 4

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I walked around the block for a few minutes and met a girl, her name is Cher and seemed really nice we talked for a few minutes and she lives about five houses away from mine, which is great if we become best friends.

Her mom eventually told her to come inside because it was getting dark so I had to leave, and I gave her my number.

I honestly don't know how to describe what I felt while walking back but....it wasn't normal. I would hear footsteps behind me but when I would look no one was there.

It felt like I was being stalked? No. I've been here less than an hour no one would stalk the new girl in town. Right?

I was pretty surprised when I got home and saw Louis in my room looking out the balcony narrowing his eyes at the front door neighbours house.

Seriously, can this boy get any weirder.

"Hey." Louis said turning around facing me.

How did he know I was behind him, I was super quiet. Well....that's just another question I have to add to the list.

"Yeah...hey." I mumbled.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier...I just needed some fresh air after that plane ride and I'm stressed a little since I have to go look for a college around here soon and it's just frustrating."

"It's okay, I should've just let you be. I don't have to be with you every second of the day." I smiled accepting his apology.

"So can I still stay?" He asked

"Of course you can silly." I smiled walking over to my bed and sitting on the edge.

"What is that?" I asked pointing at the glass bottle Louis had in his hands.

"Oh, uh this...it's cranberry juice. I decided to stop by a store and get a drink while walking." He said nervously while looking away from me.

I frowned at his actions but just I just shook my head and ignored them.

"I've never tried cranberry juice let me have some." I said taking the bottle from his hands.

"No!....I mean you shouldn't. I don't think you'll like it." He said reaching for the bottle but I held it tighter.

"Well I haven't tried it, so how do you know I won't like it." I chuckled putting the bottle up to my lips.

"No Bo! Don-"

But before he could take the bottle from me I had already taken a big gulp.

"Holy fuck! Eww." I said shaking my head at the same time.

"This is not cranberry juice...shit I gotta rinse out my mouth." I stuck my tongue out.

"I told you not to drink it." Louis shrugged watching me entertainingly wipe my tongue with a towel.

"I didn't know it was that bad...but that is not cranberry juice." I frowned pointing at the bottle full of red liquid.

"How do you know? You've never tried it before have you?" Louis chuckled taking another gulp of the "cranberry juice" while I just scrunched my nose watching.

"How do you like that?" I frowned.

"I happen to think it's the best drink ever." Louis laughed drinking the rest of what was left in the bottle.

"Bo Elizabeth Pichard, get down here now." My mom shouted from downstairs.

"Ooooh what did you do?" Louis asked.

I shrugged

I haven't done anything so I don't think I'm in trouble.

"Coming." I said walking down the stairs.

"Yes mother?" I said walking over to her.

"This gentlemen is here to see you." She said pointing at the tall guy I saw earlier today. She then turned around and left the room leaving me with him.


"Hello Bo, I believe you have my phone and I have yours." Harry said holding up a black iPhone

"Umm..no my iPhone is upstairs." I frowned.

"You sure it you're phone?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, I don't know why I would have a picture of you, and you're boyfriend as my lock screen.?" Harry said showing me the phones lock screen. He was right, it was a picture of me and Louis laying down in the grass making silly faces while taking selfies.

"He's not my boyfriend." I said trying to ignore the part where I was wrong and he was right.

"Just give me my phone." He said harshly.

"Ugh, just follow me." I frowned at his rude actions turning around and walking towards my room, him behind me.

"So why are you-. What the hell is he doing here!" Lou pointed at Harry.

"I took his phone accidentally." I answered.

I walked over to my bed and picked up the phone.

"Here." I said handing to him.

"Thanks." he mumbled.

*Louis P.O.V*

Bo turned around to grab Harry's phone of the bed and Harry quickly showed me his pointy fangs.

I shot him a glare, I knew my eyes were turning red since I could feel my fangs coming out.

Seriously out of the places we could move it has to right across the street from the one and only Harry Styles.

Bo turned back handing Harry his phone. "Here." she mumbled.

"Thanks." He mumbled back.

'Stay away from Bo!' I sent him a mind message.

Thats one of the advantages of being a vampire, you can send mind messages to others of your kind...Harry being one of them.

'Hey Lou! Great to see you again huh? How about we go to dinner sometime and catch up? You might want to get contacts first, don't look her straight in the eye or your in deep shit. But hey! Bo...hmmm I like that name, maybe I should ask her out. Take her to the woods and introduce her to my buddies.' He smiled wickedly at me, Bo not having a clue on what's happening between me and Harry.

There's a disadvantage of being a vampire too, when you're hungry or mad...you can't control it, your eyes just turn red and your fangs are out. Except Harry, his eyes don't turn red...well sometimes they do but mostly they turn yellow or something similar to that. It's actually something only he has, so that's a unique thing about him.

'Stay the fuck away! I mean it, I'll be with her at all times and I'll warn her about you.'

"Are you two okay?" Bo asked frowning.

"Yeah, just trying to get a good look of your boyfriend Bo, he seems cool." He winked at me, I guess I have to play along with him and act 'nice'.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I laughed a fake laugh, him doing the same.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Bo whined extending the word 'boyfriend'.

"So you're single." He asked looking at her.

'Don't.' I tried warning him.

"No, I'm dating my fridge." Bo answered. Typical Bo and her food.

"Well, if that doesn't work out, my numbers in your phone." He winked.

"How did you unlock my phone?" She asked.

"1 2 3 4, isn't really a good password now is it?" He said waking out the room, and closing the door behind him.

"Asshole" she muttered.

I laughed and quickly walked into her bathroom, my eyes were still red and my fangs were still out...but it should be gone soon. I just need to relax and think positive.

I started breathing in and out while counting to ten. I washed my face off and my eyes were back to normal. Thank god!

As much as I hate to admit it Harry's right, I do need contacts.

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