Midnight. Chapter 15

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*Bo's P.O.V

Me and Harry spent almost all day talking while eating Chinese, all the questions were pointless and sometimes funny. Harry was sweating the whole time so he took his shirt off again instead of turning on the air conditioner. Stupid, I know. He also kept trying to make me take off my sweater, I was sweaty as hell, but I still want to hold my ground and make him just turn on the AC that shirtless dumbass.

"Eli you are sweating! Just take the sweater off." Harry chuckled.

With every second passing by I keep feeling hotter and hotter which makes me really uncomfortable and to top it off I'm going to stink like a wet dog. Freck it, I'm giving up.

" Fine but I don't see why you can't just turn on-....did you just call me Eli?" I frowned. taking my sweater off.

His eyes widened for a second but he quickly cleaned his throat and replaced his wide eyes with a smirk.

"That is exactly what I just called you Eli." He smirked.

Why is he calling me Eli? It is the most annoying name ever. Only my mother is aloud to call me that, and it still annoys the heck out of me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Your middle name is Elizabeth right?" He asked.

"Yeah, and how did you know that?"

"Okay, okay. Long story short, I heard your mom call you that and I just thought. 'Hey, Eli is a much better name than Bo' no offence."

"How is that not offensive?" I frowned ready to choke this mental boy.

"Chill, I said no offence." He chuckled.

"Fine, whatever."

"Okay, I believe it's my turn to ask a question." He smiled.

I nodded and signalled for him to continue.

"Who....was your first kiss." He asked, and I blushed. My face turning a deep red colour.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"You heard me." He grinned.

"Do I have to answer?" I asked really hoping he'll let it pass. I already know he'll make so much fun of me.

"Nope. Now tell me who your first kiss was." He urged.

"Fine..." I sighed. "It was.....ugh!" I felt like screaming.

"Louis Tomlinson." There I said it, I finally said.

"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOSH IM WEAK. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He kept laughing and laughing and after a few minutes I had enough.

"Shut up Harry!" I frowned.


"I know it's stupid, but c'mon stop laughing. I wanted someone who I cared a lot about to be my first kiss, is that so bad?"

He stopped laughing and immediately had a straight face on.

"It is when it's Louis Tomlinson HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

I groaned and slumped into the couch. After a few minutes passed Harry was wiping away the tears from his eyes and settled down.

"I bet he was your first time too." He said trying really hard to contain the rest of his laughter.

After a few seconds of me not saying anything he just stopped laughing and frowned.

"Wait....you and lou?" He whispered as if someone was listening to us.

I kept quiet and focused my eyes on my hands.

"OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS FUCKED! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He fell of the couch which made me chuckle a little, god damn it Harry.

"Don't say it like that." I grumbled. About a minute passed and Harry was still laughing. I started laughing along, I couldn't contain it. Laughing is contagious, just like if someone yawns next to you, you will most certainly yawn too.

We finally got our laughter to stop and we both sat up straight.

"That's stupid...I mean out of the people, you choose......Louis, and no offence. It's just, isn't that awkward for you two."

"No, it's not awkward. And it is not stupid, Louis and I love each other very much....as friends I mean. Let's just say that just like my first kiss I wanted someone I cared a lot about."

"And that was Louis, just like out of all the people in your school. It's Louis."

"I guess, he was my only friend." I shrugged.

"Okay after that, all I can say is that you have a nice laugh and smile." He chuckled.

"Thanks, same to you." I smiled.

"Well I think that was it for questions. Why don't you come over to my house, I bet Lou is awake."

"Yeah sure. Do I have to put a shirt on, and do you have to put that sweater back on?"

"Yes, because I don't think Louis will-"

"Oh my god Bo Elizabeth!" A familiar voice shouted as the front door flew open.

"Lou?" I frowned.

"I've been looking all over for you! Why didn't you answer your phone! Why didn't you tell me! And why the bloody hell are you both half naked!" He frowned. He turned to Harry and gave him a hard glare.

"I'm not naked! I'm wearing sweats and a tank top."

"And I'm wearing sweats....and socks. Yep."

I chuckled lightly at Harry but put a straight face as soon as I saw Louis frowning face.

"Aren't those his sweats." He pointed at me.

"N-no" I stuttered.

"Harry! What the fuck!" Louis shouted.

"What? You're the one that fucked her not me!"

You are so stupid Harry!!! Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP.

"What did he just say?" I could practically see the fume coming out of his nostrils.

I shrugged.

"You heard me. Is little Lou jelous?" Harry asked in a baby voice.

God this boy wants to die today.

"Shut up Harry!" Lou growled.

"Harry!" I frowned.

He looked over at me and I mouthed 'shut up'.

"I don't like Bo! We are just friends."

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry."

"Bo, why would you tell him that." Lou whisper/yelled walking over to me.

"He asked." I shrugged.

"Harry, why would you ask?"

"I was curious." He shrugged.

"Oh my gosh, this is just.....oh my god. Bo lets go." Lou said walking towards the door.

I mouthed 'sorry' to Harry and followed behind Louis.

"Wait Eli!" He called before I could walk out the door. Me and Louis stopped walking and turned our attention towards Harry.


"I was wondering....dinner....tonight?" He asked.

"Uh...yeah, sur-"

"NO" Louis cut me off.

What?" I frowned.

"You are NOT going on a date with this guy."

"Sorry, but I already said yes. Calm down, he can't kill me." I laughed.

"Great, so pick you up at eight." He smiled.

"See you then Haz." I waved goodbye.

"Bye Eli."

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