Midnight. Chapter 8

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"I..uh..I just" he stuttered.

"Bo, we have to go!" I heard Louis shout while slamming the back door shut.

"What?" I frowned turnings around and gasped as soon as I saw him.

He was crying, and it wasn't just a few tears streaming down his cheeks, he was sobbing.

"Oh my god, Louis what happened! Where were you? Why are you crying?" I was immediately by his side wiping his tears away. I looked at him closely and realised he had a bloody lip and a bruise forming around his eye.

"Oh c'mon, what the actual hell! We've been here for two days and you're already getting into fights! I wanted you to-"

"My mom." He squeaked.

"What?" I frowned.

"M-my mom." He stuttered more tears streaming down his face as Lou fell to his knees and hid his face in his hands while he silently cried.

I looked over at Harry while frowning and mouthed 'help'

I have never seen Lou like this, he never cried in front of people. I don't think he's cried at all since I've met him. At least I think.

Harry walked over to Louis and looked down at him, he stared at him for a few seconds before frowning.

What is he doing?

"Lou." Harry kneeled in front of him.


"Lou it's me." Harry said calmly.


"Louis, you might hate me, but I still care about you. Tell me what's wrong."

"She's gone Harry...s-she's gone." He said looking directly into Harry's eyes.

"Oh no Lou, I'm so sorry." Harry hugged Lou, and he didn't hesitate to hug back and break down crying while clutching onto Harry's shirt.

A bunch of thought started swirling around in my head but they all had one similarity....it involved Johannah.

*Harrys P.O.V*

'What's wrong?' I asked Louis.

I'm confused in why he's crying, but also relieved since he came in and prevented me from answering Bo's question, I would be fucking screwed if I had to tell her the truth.

'Stay out of my fucking business!' He answered angrily.

'Lou, I'm serious. What's going on?' I asked getting more worried.

'Fuck you..' He mumbled making me frown.

"Lou" I whispered kneeling in front of him.


"Lou it's me." I said calmly.

Still nothing.

"Louis, you might hate me, but I still care about you. Tell me what's wrong?" I encouraged him.

He slowly lifted his head up from his hands and looked me directly in the eye, I would expect them to be red but no.....they were his regular ocean blue, only they didn't have that regular sparkle if happiness , they were dull and full of sadness and regret.

"She's gone Harry...s-she's gone." He croaked.

"Oh no Lou, I'm so sorry." I apologised hugging him tightly. I knew it was about his mom, she was all he had left after his dad and siblings died in a car crash, now he has no family left.

'She's gone Hazz, she left me here on this cruel world.' He cried sending me a mind message while grabbing a fistful of my apron and crying harder.

'Lets go for a walk?' I suggested trying not to cry with him. I care a lot for Lou and it pains me to see him like this.

He slowly nodded,and after he calmed himself down a little we stood up and I patted his back.

"Bo, I'll be back soon." I mumbled.

"Barbara!" I called.

"Yes dear?" I heard her answer.

"Lou and I are going out if that's fine with you, I'll call you!"

"Okay dear, be careful. Is Bo staying?"

I looked over at Bo and she shook her head no.

"No, see you another time." I said opening the back door for Lou and Bo.

Bo quickly stood beside Lou and her small arms wrapped around His shoulder whispering things in his ear, I saw a few tears escape her eyes while doing so, and Lou just nodded to whatever she was saying slightly smiling. Wow..., I wish I had something like this. I really envy them, I envy everybody who has this kind of relationship in his or her life. I just really...really want one of those, that's all I ask.

"Bo, go home. I have to talk to Louis if you don't mind." I whispered beside her,

"I-is Johannah?..." She stuttered.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

She shook her head rapidly before bursting into tears and hugged Lou tightly while repeating "sorry" multiple times, while Lou hugged back crying. I just stood there watching awkwardly not knowing exactly what to do.

"I have no one." I heard Louis mumbled.

"You have me." Bo sniffed.

"I love you." Lou whispered.

"I love you." Bo said hugging him tighter.

'I love you'...I wonder when I'm going to be able to say hat to the love of my life.

Most likely never.

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