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A/N: Cute OT5 fluff with Little Camila (and slightly Little Lauren but not really at the same time because she's too stubborn to admit it)!

Alright, read on!


Lauren knocked on the front door, anxiously shifting on her feet, looking at the ground. Maybe she should have waited until she had a day off to do this. At least then she would have come with Camila, instead of showing up later. No one had answered the door yet, maybe she could just leave and come back another time.

As she was about to do just that, the door opened to reveal Normani. "Hi, Lauren," she greeted with a warm smile.

"Um, hi," the younger girl replied. "I'm, I'm so-sorry I didn't come with Camila," she mumbled. "I had the morning shift at th-the library today."

"That's alright. It's probably better this way, anyways," the older woman responded. She opened the door a bit further, stepping to the side. "Do you want to come in?"

Lauren rubbed the back of her neck, shifting nervously. "I, um, I was about to turn around and leave," she admitted quietly.

"If you don't want to do this today, you don't have to. We're taking this at your pace, Lauren."

The girl huffed out a breath, thinking it over. There wasn't any harm in just seeing what being a little is like, right? They weren't actually making any decisions.

Finally, she nodded. "Okay, may I come in?" she asked, finally looking up.

Normani grinned, stepping aside. "Of course." She shut the door as Lauren entered. "Since you're coming straight from the library, have you eaten lunch yet?"

The black haired girl looked away sheepishly, her stomach rumbling loudly. "Um, I might not have eaten much today," she confessed, not making eye contact with the older woman. "I was just, uh, really nervous about today, and I-I didn't eat. It happens a lot, it's nothing to worry about."

The dark skinned woman frowned. "That's not a very good habit, Lauren," she scolded softly.

Lauren felt an odd sense of warmth rush through her at the reprimand. Her stomach growled once more, and she blushed. "I'm sorry. I guess I am kind of hungry."

Normani chuckled, shaking her head. "Come on, let's get you something to eat." She started to lead the girl into the kitchen.

The green eyed girl shook her head. "You don't have to," she protested. "I don't want to be a bother."

The older woman stopped, and turned to face the girl. "Lauren, it's okay," she assured, tilting the girl's head so they were looking eye to eye. "You aren't a bother. There's plenty of food. With Dinah and Camila's appetites, we keep the house pretty well stocked." She motioned for the smaller girl to take a seat at the counter.

"Hey! How dare you?" Dinah grumbled as she entered the kitchen. "How are you, Lauren?" she asked, turning to the younger girl.

Lauren made eye contact with the woman for a second before looking down. "I'm good, how are you?"

"Happy to see you again," the blonde answered, smiling. "Is Mani making you something to eat?"

The girl nodded, looking down. "I, uh, haven't really eaten today," she replied quietly.

Dinah frowned, but nodded. "I see. And you know that's not good for you, right?"

"Yes, Normani already told me."

"Okay, good. As long as you know that," Dinah replied. "And I would advise not letting Ally find out. She would not be very pleased," she added off-handedly.

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