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A/N: Here is 4.6k words worth of... well I don't know what to call it but here's a new update lol. It's late, I don't feel like editing, I'll do it later. The idea for this chapter came from Little-Nugget- (really, when don't ideas come from her? Like 43% of this book is me expanding on her ideas, tbh.)



Lauren sat in the first row of Dinah's car, her hands fiddling nervously in her lap. They were going to the testing agency to fill out the paperwork to make Dinah, Ally, and Normani her official caregivers, which was both nerve wracking and a relief at the same time. On the one hand, she wouldn't have to worry about being alone while she was little and have someone coming around every week to make sure she was taking care of herself. She was actually relieved she wouldn't have to depend on herself alone because, as much as she hated to admit it, she didn't think she could do this on her own, but she didn't want some stranger coming around to check on her.

At least Camila knew the three women before introducing them to Lauren, if the younger girl trusted them, then Lauren could, too.

On the other hand, it was just making this all too real and she didn't know how to deal with that.

Currently though, she was kind of dreading this outing. She still couldn't shake the weird feeling she had from that morning. They were going to the mall after they filled out the paperwork, and Lauren had no idea what she wanted to do for her room. Did she want more adult, boring bedding? Or more kiddish bedding like Camila which was actually really cool? The older girl didn't know, because the more adult bedding would make help prove she wasn't a baby (she'd sort of given up fighting the fact she was indeed a little after her talk with Ally the other day). But maybe more child-like bedding would help her slip? She didn't know and she really didn't like not being able to make up her mind because she was always overthinking.

The one thing she was sure about was that she wanted a new Nala, because she lost hers and she really missed having it. She didn't really care about it before, but now that this was happening, she really missed being able to have something to cuddle at night. Her blanket filled the void a bit, but it didn't replace her Nala completely.

"So, Lauren," Normani's voice from the passenger seat broke the girl out of her thoughts. "Have you thought of what you want to get for your room?"

The black haired girl shrugged, pulling on the collar of her shirt. She wanted to put it in her mouth, but she also didn't want to get scolded for it again. "I don't know," she mumbled.

"Well, let's start with your bed," Ally suggested beside her, taking the girl's hand and squeezing it softly. "Do you want any characters on it? Like Camila's dinosaur bedsheets?"

Lauren thought for a minute. "No," she answered, shaking her head. She didn't really know what characters she would want, because there were so many. She didn't want to have to decide between any.

"Alright, well do you want dark colors or light ones?" Dinah asked.

The green eyed girl considered for a moment. The walls were already dark, being navy blue and gray, like the sky at night. She didn't want anymore dark colors though. Maybe, maybe she could find something that looked kind of like a sunset? That might be cool. "Um, light colors. Like, like a sunset maybe?" she asked shyly, looking up hesitantly.

Ally smiled, nodding assuredly. "I'm sure we could find something that will work."

Lauren nodded, looking back down at her lap. "Can I- no, never mind." She wanted to ask about a new Nala, but she didn't want to ask for too much.

"No, Lauren, you can ask anything you want," Dinah assured, glancing in the rearview mirror.

"Um, it's just, I had a Nala, but, but I lost it," the older girl stammered out, not looking up. "And, and I was just wondering if, if maybe I c-could get a new one?"

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