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A/N: Hopefully there's enough little Lauren in here for you guys, I tried my best. There will definitely be more in the next couple of chapters.

Read and enjoy!


The first thing Lauren noticed when she started waking up was that weird beeping noise from earlier was still there. It was kind of loud and irritating, preventing her from sleeping, and she didn't like it. The second thing she noticed was that this time around it was easier to open her eyes. They still felt a little heavy, but it wasn't as much of a struggle as before. It also wasn't a struggle to move, but it did hurt, and there was a weird fabric between her legs that made it awkward to move, but she wasn't going to question it right now.

She slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to clear the fuzziness of her vision. Looking around confusedly, she spotted Ally standing nearing the door of whatever room she was in, and immediately felt the fear building in her chest at being alone in a strange place dissipate. Then she remembered she was at the hospital, but she was in a different room this time. The walls were painted a soft blue color, and along them teddy bears had been painted as a boarder, and there were different posters with puppies and kittens, though Lauren didn't care for the words on them.

All the girl wanted right now was Ally.

"Awwy," she called desperately, trying to reach for the older woman. It hurt, and there was something on her left arm and she didn't like it.

She went to try and take it off, but Ally's voice stopped her, "Lauren, sweetheart, no. Don't try and take it off."

Lauren let out a protesting whine, making a move to try and remove the splint again. "No wan'."

"I know you don't," Ally replied softly, sitting on the edge of the bed and gently taking the girl's uninjured hand. "I know, but you need it. Now, listen, there's someone who desperately wants to see you," she stated, causing Lauren to still. "Are you up for it?"

The green eyed girl nodded. She hoped it was Camila or the other two women, because Ally promised they would be here, but she didn't see them. Nodding, she whispered an affirmation. "'Es."

The older woman smiled, then walked over to the door, leaning out and Lauren could hear her saying, "Come on."

Suddenly a blur of brown hair appeared, until the girl was grabbed by Dinah. "Mama, no, 'et go!" Camila cried, frantically trying to wriggle free from the taller blonde's firm hold. "No, 'et go!"

"Mila, baby, you need to calm down," Dinah commanded sternly in a soft tone, it being obvious the younger girl had slipped. "Lauren is hurt, baby, you need to be gentle. I will let go if you promise to be gentle."

The brunette's struggling stopped after a moment, and she sniffled, wiping away tears. "'kay, Mama. I be 'en'le," she promised, tearily looking back to the taller woman.

Dinah nodded, releasing the smaller girl slowly. She watched as Camila carefully walked over to Lauren.

"'Amz," Lauren called, reaching out for the girl as best as she could with all the tubes and wires attached to her. ""Amz."

Camila looked back at the three women, and Ally nodded reassuringly. The older woman walked over, and helped the brunette onto the bed carefully, mindful of the older girl's injuries.

"Okay, you can hug her, but be careful, please," she said. "Lauren's ribs are going to be hurt for awhile, so be gentle, alright? And watch her wrist, it needs to heal, too."

Camila nodded, then gingerly pulled the older girl into a hug, sobbing into her chest. "No leave me," she whispered hysterically.

Lauren didn't reply, but wrapped her right arm around the girl, hugging back weakly, grimacing slightly. It really hurt to have Camila laying on top of her like this.

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