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A/N: Kind of an awkward ending, but with this chapter out we'll be able to move along with the story.

Read and enjoy!


"Alright, Lauren, can we talk about what happened today?" Dinah asked gently as she set the smaller girl on the couch next to her, keeping a tight hold of her hand.

Lauren let out a slight whimper, but gripped the blonde's hand tightly.

"Lo, baby, it's really important that we talk about this," Normani stated softly, sitting next to the younger girl, making sure Camila was still preoccupied with the kids' show on the tv. "Even if you don't think you can talk, will you let us ask you questions, and nod or shake your head?"

The green eyed girl nodded. She could do that. At least until she could bring herself to actually speak.

"Sweetheart, have you spoken to your dad since you left to live with Camila?" Ally
asked, looking at the girl seriously.

Lauren shook her head, hiding her face in Dinah's neck as tears filled her eyes. She hated thinking about that night, it was the worst night of her life, and she tried her best not to think about it.

"Hey, it's alright, bug, you're safe here," Dinah whispered, rubbing the girl's back soothingly, pulling Lauren back onto her lap. "You're safe here, no one is going to hurt you here. We know you probably hate thinking about it, but it's important that we know."

"Don't wan' see him," the raven haired girl mumbled, trying to get her breathing under control.

"You don't have to, Lauren. No one is going to make you," Ally promised. "It explains why she freaked out so badly, though," she murmured to Normani, who nodded.

"No one is going to make you see him, Lauren. That's a decision only you can make when you're ready," Dinah stated, patting the girl's bottom softly, and it slowly helped calm Lauren down.

The girl's tense posture slowly relaxed, and her fast breathing returned to normal. "No wan'," she whispered, hiding her face in the crook of Dinah's neck.

"We know that. We would never make you see him, Lauren. That decision is yours to make, not ours," Normani reiterated, taking the girl's hand and squeezing it softly.

"I think we need to find a way to help her actually cope with what happened when she was younger," Dinah murmured softly, looking at her girlfriends. "I don't think she's actually dealt with it properly."

"Isn't that what her headspace is for though?" Normani reasoned, confusedly looking up.

"Yeah, but I still think Lauren needs to actually deal with the trauma she experienced," Ally argued. "We'll talk about that later, though."

Dinah nodded, gently urging Lauren to sit up. "Alright, baby girl, we can be done talking about that for now," she said. "Do you think you can speak now, this part is really important?"

Lauren sat up hesitantly, looking up at the younger blonde. "'ouble?" she whispered worriedly, hooking two fingers in her mouth.

Ally shook her head, gently pulling the girl's fingers from her mouth, holding out a pacifier instead. "No, baby, you're not in trouble," she assured.

The green eyed girl hesitantly took the paci, slipping it into her mouth and slowly beginning to suckle on it, letting out a small sigh of relief.

"But we wanted to talk to you about nursing, sweets, but you and I can go and talk about that privately if we need to," Dinah stated carefully, not wanting to embarrass Lauren in front of the others.

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