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A/N: In my defense, I had a job interview last week and I started my new job today :D so that's one reason for it taking so long to update this. Secondly, I'm super petty and people kept begging for updates so I just decided not to update. Oh well, I left a very long note on like chapter 12 or 13 about that. 

This chapter is either going to make you forgive me for taking so long to update or it's going to make you hate me. We'll see how it turns out, lmao.

Read and enjoy!


After Lauren's admission, Camila had decided the older girl needed a bit of space to let her mind settle. Lauren was grateful about that, because as much as she liked being around the three women, after that conversation she needed time to process everything. So, Camila decided that it would be the best time for them to go back to their apartment and spend some time together by themselves, and talk about everything that had happened in recent weeks.

And it worked out for the trio, because even though Lauren wasn't mad at Dinah, the older two women were pissed, and the younger blonde had some grovelling to do. Lauren didn't want to know what exactly that would entail.

That afternoon the two had just spent lazing around their apartment watching movies and ordering takeout. Camila relented and reluctantly agreed to watch a couple of horror movies with the older girl, but only when Lauren agreed to cuddle with her throughout the entirety and buy her a week's worth of bananas. Lauren also ended up letting the younger girl sleep in her bed, too, when Camila was reluctant to go to bed by herself.

The next morning, the two went to breakfast at IHOP, and Camila insisted on paying for it.

"Lo, it's fine, I've got it," the younger girl said when they received the check.

"Camz, we always split it the bill," Lauren argued. "Or you somehow manage to convince me to pay it."

The brunette laughed, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah, okay, that's true. But I've got it this time, promise."

The green eyed girl sighed, but relented. "Fine, but I'm paying for lunch."

"Nope, I've got that covered, too."

"Camila," Lauren groaned.

"I'm just trying to be nice and treat my best friend, okay? We haven't done this in a while, even before you got your determination."

That was true. Between Camila being at the trio's house during the week and her job every other weekend, and Lauren's job at the library (which she would be returning to soon, thankfully), the two just didn't have much time to make plans. And the nights they were both at home, they didn't have the energy to do much besides have dinner and watch a movie or two.

"Alright, fine. But next time, I'm paying," the older girl grumbled, crossing her arms petulantly.

Camila chuckled. "Fine, deal." She signed the receipt and stood up, motioning for Lauren to follow her. "Come on, let's go to the park for a bit."

Lauren tilted her head, looking at the younger girl confusedly. "Like a regular park or a little park?"

"A regular park. Maybe there will be some dogs there we can pet. No, wait, let's go to the animal shelter and see all the dogs!" the younger one suggested excitedly. She grabbed Lauren's hand and led her out of the restaurant. "Do you think we could get a dog?"

The raven haired girl smiled. "As cool as it would be, we hardly spend time at our apartment as it is," she reasoned, following Camila down the street. "And, I don't think Ally, Normani, and Dinah are going to let us keep it there. And your parents won't keep it for us either."

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