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A/N: I vaguely remember hitting 300 followers within the last week at some point (I'm really bad at remembering to check when I hit milestones like this), but I did and I just wanna say you guys are the best and I love you all.

Alright, on to what you all have been waiting for. Read and enjoy!


Lauren was curled up on the couch under her blanket, holding Nala tightly to her chest. Ally had taken Dinah to the airport, the younger blonde saying something about "not wanting to deal with your maniac driving, Mani".

The green eyed girl was still upset about Dinah's sudden departure. The rational part of her mind knew that things like this could happen, but her little self hated the sudden, unexpected change in routine. Add not feeling very well to the mix, and she wasn't in the best of moods.

Normani walked into the living room, breaking the girl from her thoughts. "Lauren, sweets, do you need a change?" she asked gently, sitting in the spot next to the younger one.

Ally had helped her into a diaper earlier (that was still taking a little bit of getting used to, even with Dinah), and she knew it should probably be changed, but she really didn't want one right now.

"Nuh uh, not need," Lauren mumbled, pulling her blanket around her tighter, making sure the older woman couldn't check her diaper.

"Lauren, if you need a new diaper, it's important we change it as soon as possible," the dark skinned woman stated, giving the younger one a serious look. "I know it's still taking time to get used to, but we don't want you getting a rash."

The raven haired girl only shook her head, curling up tighter. "Nuh uh, no want."

Normani sighed, laying her face in her hands for a moment. She hoped Ally would be back soon, not understanding why Lauren was being a little more stubborn than normal. She knew Lauren was upset about Dinah having to leave suddenly, but she didn't think it would be too rough of a weekend. She just hoped Lauren's stubbornness didn't last the whole time Dinah was away.

Eventually, she stood up, and turned to face Lauren. "Lauren, please, don't fight me on this."

The green eyed girl groaned, but finally nodded. She reluctantly sat up, muttering, "'aiper's a stupid asshole," under her breath.

Camila, who had sitting on the floor watching tv, gasped as Normani froze. "Lolo sayed a bad word, Mommy!"

The older woman looked to the older girl sternly, noticing Lauren was staring like a deer caught in headlights. "Lauren, you know swearing is not allowed, yes?" she asked.

Lauren nodded sullenly, looking at the floor. "'es, is bad," she agreed. "But Mama sayded it a'fore she lef'."

Normani groaned, rolling her eyes. Of course Dinah said it. "Lauren, just because Mama says it, does not mean you get to repeat it," she scolded softly, yet her tone held a sternness to it. "When you're big and not with us, that's a different story. But here, when you're little, swearing is not allowed."

"I sorry," the green eyed girl whispered, clenching her eyes closed tightly. She knew what was coming next. She broke a rule, and she was going to get a punishment.

She just hoped Normani didn't kick her out as punishment.

"Do you remember what we set as your punishments?" the older woman questioned. "No spanking, that was the biggest no," she continued before Lauren could answer. "I think a two minute time out is enough."

Lauren snapped her eyes open, looking up at Normani with wide, startled eyes. "I no haf to leave?"

The dark skinned woman frowned, tilting her head slightly. "Why would you have to leave?"

New Adjustments to a Little WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ