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A/N: Shorter chapter than the rest by far, but I think what happens here will make up for it. Also, I got this up within six days, so no one needs to come and yell at me (you know who you are that I told to come do so).

This chapter is most definitely dedicated to Ari. One as a birthday gift, but also because she pretty much talked me through this entire thing like a puppy learning to sit, and without her this chapter would not exist. (Though I'm debating revoking this because she also called me a fuck boi which I am most definitely NOT thank you very much. Rude.)

Ummm, if you are not a fan of more personal/intimate things regarding age play, I suggest you skip this chapter (I don't know how to describe what happens without actually giving it away obviously)

Okay, anyways, read and enjoy!


Dinah's heart was beating so fast she thought it would actually explode. She was ready for this, she just didn't expect Lauren to be ready. Since the very first time they had met, Dinah knew she would do everything in her power to protect the girl tucked into her side, and Camila, too. She couldn't help it, the two younger girls were so innocent and precious, Lauren especially.

If she was honest, Lauren was her tiny little baby, though the girl probably wouldn't be happy to hear that. But it was the truth; Lauren had different needs in her headspace than Camila, and she really was just a baby.

The tugging of her bra broke her from her thoughts, and she looked down to see Lauren frustratedly tugging at it, the girl's toes digging sharply into her calf. "Alright, alright, baby, you need to stop, you're kind of hurting my leg," she reprimanded softly, pushing the smaller one's foot back with her leg.  "Are you sure you want to do this, baby?" she questioned, needing to make sure this wasn't just some rash decision made because Lauren was upset. "I need a verbal answer, little one."

Lauren nodded, pushing slightly on the side of the blonde's ribcage. "'Es, Mama," she replied.

Dinah nodded, letting out a nervous breath. She'd never done anything like this, she didn't quite know what to think. She wanted to, yes, she had no doubts about that. But what if it was uncomfortable for her and she couldn't give Lauren the intimacy it gave and she so obviously craved? She knew it would hurt, but what if hurt too much she couldn't do it? Or what if Lauren ended up being too uncomfortable with it and shut her out? The thought of the girl hating her made her heart hurt, she couldn't lose her baby over this.

"Alright, baby, come here," the blonde murmured, pulling the girl closer. She was nervous as hell. If she ended up not being comfortable and couldn't continue, she felt like she'd be letting Lauren down. And on the other hand, if Lauren decided it wasn't something she wanted, she'd respect her preference, but she herself would be slightly devastated.

"Okay, alright, baby," she said quietly, letting out a nervous breath. She was ready, she was. She just didn't quite know how to start. Well, actually, she did, but it required being able to lean over the side of the bed, something she didn't think the girl on top of her would allow.

"Sweetheart, I need to get something out of the bag. Can you let me do that?" she questioned softly, running a hand through the girl's dark hair.

Lauren shook her head, nuzzling her head into the woman's side and gripping her tighter. "No, stay, Mama," she mumbled.

"I'm not leaving," Dinah assured. "I'm not. But, I have your blanket in the bag, I bet you might want that, huh?"

Lauren nodded, but didn't let go when Dinah tried to move.

"Now how am I supposed to get your blanket if you're still attached to me like a bug, hmm?"

Lauren only hugged her tighter in response.

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