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A/N: 4136 words and I don't think you pups are prepared for the ride of emotions I'm about to send y'all on. No regrets though. *hides behind wall to prepare for the amount of notifications I might get*

And no, no one is involved in a car crash or is seriously injured. I did that once already, I wouldn't do it twice in one fic. Maybe.

Read and enjoy!


Lauren woke up with Camila lying on top of her, the younger girl's hair tickling her face. That really didn't surprise her as much as it should have. Camila had a tendency to wrap herself around the older girl like a koala whenever they cuddled, even out of headspace. Shifting so that the brunette was no longer lying completely on top of her, Lauren noticed that the diaper was dry.

She turned to look at the dinosaur clock on the nightstand and saw it was just after seven in the morning. She smirked slightly. See, she didn't need the stupid diaper. She could keep herself dry during the night. But, just in case, she thought she better get up and use the bathroom.

As she stood and became more awake, she began to felt a growing pressure in her bladder, and realized just how badly she needed to go. She tried to run to the bathroom, but she hadn't moved around much in the diaper and her movements were reduced to a slow, awkward waddle.

Finally though, she made it to the bathroom, still not having used the diaper, but really need to relieve herself. It was to the point where if she didn't go soon, she would end up using the diaper, and she could not allow that to happen. She needed to prove she didn't need one. She hurried to undo the tape holding the diaper together, but her fingers kept fumbling with the flaps and she couldn't undo them.

"No, no come on," she mumbled panickedly to herself, continuing to struggle with removing the diaper. She needed to get it off now but she couldn't get her fingers to grab it properly.

It was like some part of her turned on her and refused to cooperate.

In her haste to undo the diaper, she didn't realize the growing pressure in her bladder get to be too much. Suddenly, she felt a slight leak from her bladder, and that was enough to send her over the edge. Now, she couldn't control herself as she unwillingly relieved herself, the fluffy material of the diaper swell. Feeling tears in her eyes, she leaned back against the wall, sinking to the floor, letting go completely into the diaper, the pressure finally being released.

She tried to suppress the choked sob that escaped her, she really did. But the fact that she had actually used the diaper was humiliating. She didn't need it, it wasn't her fault! Why couldn't she just hold it a little bit longer?

"Lauren?" someone called, and then there was a hand gently grabbing her shoulder.

Looking up, the girl cried even harder seeing Dinah standing above her, looking concerned. Great, now one of them had seen her use the diaper; how was she supposed to prove she didn't need it now?

"Lauren, sweetheart, are you wet?" the blonde asked quietly, kneeling next to the smaller girl.

Lauren only shook her head, tears streaming down her face even faster.

Dinah wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling Lauren into her lap. She softly patted the bottom of the diaper, feeling how wet it was.

Lauren gasped, shaking her head and attempted to break away from the woman's hold. "No, no, not need, no," she cried.

"Lauren, clearly you did need it," Dinah pointed out calmly, not letting go of the green eyed girl. "And it's okay. There's nothing wrong with it. But, we need to get you into a dry one so you don't get a rash, okay?"

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