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A/N: I think some of you will like what I put in here to make up for how long it took to get this out.

Read and enjoy. :)


Lauren took a deep breath as they entered the mall. She'd always hated how loud and crowded it was, but that was amplified since she was in headspace. She wanted to say it was because she was worried about losing Camila, but the truth was she was worried about herself getting lost. The mall was huge, and there were so many people around. It didn't help that she was still on edge about the confrontation with her dad.

She clutched Normani's hand a bit tighter as they passed another couple and their little.

"It's alright, bubs," the dark skinned woman assured, giving the girl's hand a gentle squeeze.

"It's loud. No like," Lauren mumbled, pressing herself as close to the taller woman as possible. She wasn't as little as she had been after her dad had shown up, but she also wasn't feeling very big either.

"I know, baby. So once we get you and Camila whatever stuffie or toy you want, we'll get lunch then head home. Sound like a plan?" Normani asked, earning a small nod from the girl. "What do you think you might want?"

Lauren shrugged, swinging her and the older woman's hands slightly. "A teddy?" she asked quietly, more thinking to herself than speaking to the woman.

She didn't know what she wanted in all honesty. There were too many options. Between actual toys or a new stuffed animal, she wasn't sure.

Normani hummed in reply. "Well, let's look first. I'm sure we'll find you something."

Lauren nodded and continued following the woman. Dinah and Camila were slightly ahead, and Ally had separated from them to get more pull ups, diapers, and other other supplies they were low on.

They entered the first store, and Lauren immediately tensed. There were so many people it was hard to walk around them. She clutched Normani's hand tighter making sure she couldn't get lost.

"Hey, I got you, baby. You're fine," the older woman promised, wrapping her arm around the girl.

"An' Camz?" the raven haired girl questioned, trying to find the younger girl, but couldn't see past the crowds of people. "No wan' her get lost."

"She won't, I promise. Mila's with Mama, and she won't let Mila wander off, alright?"

Lauren nodded, and let Normani lead her around the store. There were all kinds of toys to look at. Lego sets, remote control cars, Nerf guns (which Lauren found out were technically banned from the house after Camila had gotten a few and a dart war broke out and led to a broken lamp and an argument between Dinah and Normani about who won. Ally ended it by banning the toys and declaring herself the winner).

They spent about ten minutes looking before Lauren decided there wasn't anything in the store she wanted.

"That's fine, bubs. We'll just go to a different store," Normani reasoned as she led the girl to the exit, finding Dinah and Camila already waiting there.

"Camila didn't find anything she wanted," the blonde said as they left.

"Want a stuffie, Mama," the younger girl said. "P'ease?"

Dinah nodded and smiled at the girl. "Sure, baby. Lauren, is that what you want?"

The green eyed girl shrugged, still unsure. "Don' know, Mama."

"That's no problem, squirt. We'll just keep looking until you do," the blonde replied.

They entered the next store, and Camila squealed and bounced up and down as she saw that all the shelves were filled with various stuffed animals. There was a section of just dogs and cats, and another for farm animals. There was even a section lined with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.

New Adjustments to a Little WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon