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A/N: Hi yes, I worked through a headache to get this out for you guys. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pass out in bed (a total lie, tbh, I'll probably be up for like three more hours).

A reader sent in the idea that sparked this chapter, so many thanks to them! You know who you are, but if you want a real shout out, just let me know and I'll add it. I just don't know if you wanted to be named or if you wanted to remain anonymous, so I'll let you decide on that.

Read and enjoy!


The next couple of days passed smoothly, the girls not causing too many problems for Normani and Ally (Lauren would refuse a diaper change sometimes, but that was about it as far as trouble went). The women had decided that the girls didn't need to spend the entire time cooped up in the house, and so that Saturday they had taken the two to the park again.

They had run into Lauren and Camila's neighbors, Anna and Brittany, and their own little, Hailee. The three ran around the playground for almost two hours, and by the time they were on their way home, Lauren was passed out in her seat with Camila not far behind, and Normani and Anna had exchanged contact information to make plans for another meet up.

Now, however, it was early in the morning on Sunday, the day Dinah was planned to return.

Lauren awoke with a startled cry, fumbling in her blankets, accidentally tumbling off the bed. She hit the floor with a thump, still entangled in her blankets. She struggled in the pile of blankets for a few moments before she stopped, letting her racing heart calm down.

It was a nightmare, that much she knew. She couldn't quite remember all of the details, but she knew it ended with her Mama not coming back like she had promised.

Slowly, Lauren was finally able to crawl out from the mass of blankets she was trapped in. She grabbed the blankets, lazily spreading them out on the bed and crawling back under them, grabbing Nala from the end of the bed and clutching the lion to her chest tightly.

A few minutes later, a knock on her door sounded before it was pushed open slightly. "Lauren, you alright?" Ally questioned as she entered.

Lauren nodded, but didn't verbally reply.

"Are you sure?" the older woman checked, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. "Because I heard a pretty loud thump. But it could have been Camila."

"Fell off bed," the green eyed girl eventually admitted.

"Are you okay?" Ally gently pulled the blankets off the younger girl, checking her over for injury.

"I fine, Momma."

Ally's heart soared at the term. She would never get tired of hearing the name. She knew there were still some things Lauren needed to work through, specifically knowing that no matter what she did, the three wouldn't abandon her and trusting them to let go completely and be little.

Yes, Lauren had made a lot of breakthroughs in the time she had been with them. However, she still had trouble with wearing diapers (they had let her use a pull up a few nights after introducing the diapers, but she had used it in the night and completely soaked through it and the bedsheets. That led to a breakdown of tears from embarrassment and the realization that she did, in fact, need something with more protection than the pull ups). And there was the fact that she still didn't seem to want to have help with showers like Camila, although Ally wasn't sure if that just personal preference or there was something that scared Lauren about it.

Not to mention that any time Camila had to be away, Lauren refused to be alone with the women, and stayed at her apartment until the younger one returned. She hoped that when Dinah returned they could work on some of that.

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