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Your P. O. V.

That guy... what does he has to be such a flirt and annoying guy at the same time? Why not just flirty and that's it? I bet it would be even better, right? - Hey! (Y/N) just what are you thinking???? do you think he's good now??! - "Stop it (Y/N)"

"Uh... why are you scolding yourself for?" - Fudge - I turned around and saw shark Maui, kind of super confused.

"Crap... I was just thinking out loud" I said while face palming, and sighing annoyed.

"Um, I won't ask then" he said while lifting his fin-hands.

"Good you won't. Anyway, we are near the shore, so I suggest you return to your normal form and go with the humans to do whatever you wanted to do." I said while gesturing at the front.

"Rrrrright" He said, and cliqued his tongue. In a matter if seconds he was back to normal Maui. And we both swam, to the shore, near some palm trees, and a bit far from the human village. Maui set a foot on the sand and extended a hand to me.

"What? No sir, I'm not going with those" I said and spited the word 'those' while pointing at the village and turning my back at him.

"And why not?" I heard him ask. That phrase he said, made my blood boil. - No, you didn't just asked - My fists were in tight white balls, and my jaw clenched. "Come now fish lady" he insisted.

"I decline, I'll just wait for you if you please, if not, I wish you the best of luck"

Maui's P. O. V.

What's up with her? And her tone, she sounds with hatred, did I do something wrong? - Fish are difficult - Besides, she had never talked to me like that before. "Hey, What's wrong now? What did I do?" I asked and prepared myself for whatever reaction she would do.

She just shot me a death glare from the corner of her eye, I swear, that eye turned red for a moment. "You're such an idiot" she growled under her breath and launched herself towards the water.

"Hey! At least wait for me, could you?" I exclaimed and saw her head pop out of the water, the red color returned but she agreed. "Good, I won't last long" I replied. She just made a hand gesture dismissing me, but I know she will stay.

I walked towards the village and saw a bunch of humans carring some stuffs, the place was dark, the only thing giving a faint light, were the stars. One of them noticed me, with the most confused expression I've ever seen. "You aren't from around here, if you were I should have known you. So, what brings you here?" he asked, and I could tell he's one of the elders here.

I ckeared my throat and took a small glance around before answering. "I'm just curious about how life is in other islands, and I see most of them don't have lights."

The old man nodded knowingly, and sighed. "Some are, others not. We use some kind of glowing insects, but they don't give much of a light." he explained, and then looked behind me. He just glanced for a small while and turned to me again. "I'm surprised, how did you get here without a boat?" - Oh... that -

"Well, swiming" I joked and gained a chuckled from him.

"If your boat is broken or so, we can spare you one." he kindly offered. I couldn't deny, so I agreed. "Good, now, let's prepare it for you, if you'll like, go on and take a look around. I'll look for you when it's ready." I nodded and he walked away.

I sighed and took a small tour around the village, maybe this way I could find what they need. For now everything is fine, the only thing is that there's almost no light and is very cold. - Wait... heat and light, I got it - I smiled and rushed back to were I left (Y/N). Once I got there, I saw her just sitting on the sand, and unsurprisingly staring at the shimmering stars. I neared and sat next to her, who didn't got startled in the slightest. "Hey, (Y/N), I got a boat for us, and maybe another quest."

"Oh yeah? And what is it about?" She asked, not tearing g her gaze from the sky.

"We're going to hell and steal something"


So... would you rather be in:

a) A super fricking hot place 🌋
b) Somewhere cold AF
c) idk :v

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