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Your P.O.V.

- Good thing we are out that cave... I felt like my chest was going to burst - I sighed relieved and glanced around, eyeing the different shells. "So, Maui, where's this cave you talked about?" I asked and turned around. 

"Well, I think it was there, in that shell" He pointed up, where indeed a slightly shiny shell rested, part of it was touching the water above, like some of the ones near. The thing, is that there were some geysers. Let's hope they don't send us flying away. 

"Let's make a race then! First in arrive dunks the other one into the water" I said smirking.

He looked at me, and started howling with laughter. "I'll win, you can barely walk, fish lady" He neared with a smug grin, and flicked my forehead.

"Ow, hey!" I exclaimed and glared at him while rubbing the spot he hitted. "Prove it! No magic use! Understood?" I said sternly at the end, making Maui roll his eyes, and huff.

"Alright alright" He said putting his hands up in defense. "I'll not use my hook" 

"Okay!" I chirped and counted. "-Three!" I dashed and jumped from coral to coral using them as stairs, - if I continue like this I'll surely win-  I giggled as I climbed this wall up to the shell. The other path takes longer. -Hah! He stands no chance! - I was just a few steps more to reach the edge of the wall and finish the race. I jumped and grabbed a glowing tree's branch to pull me up. This time I didn't nail the landing. I landed with a huff, and threw my hands up "YAY!"

"What took you so long?" I whipped my head just to find Maui already leaning on a glowing tree while playing with his hook. He had a smug smile spreading across his dork face.

"Hey! We said no magic!" I exclaimed and stomped towards him.

"Calm down fish lady, I didn't use any magic. I just know how to run!" - What does that mean... - I shook my head and glared at him.

"I'll let this one slip, next time I won't be as kind" I said and stepped inside the shiny cave.

- Well... It's... really shiny in here... - There were some golden stuff pulled up in the middle, it wasn't much, but it was indeed really shiny. I glanced around, just finding some glowing plants lying here and there. I sighed and turned around. Maui was at the entrance also looking inside the shell. His gaze soon stopped at the junk. "Well... There's just this stuff lying here" I commented, and dropped to the ground in a sitting position. "Anything else you want to do here? Or you prefer to get back to the village?"

"Eh... I'll just look around a bit more" He said and I nodded.

Maui's P. O. V.

- There has to be something else besides the the stuff here, like, How did it get here? - "Meh" I said, and huffed while inspecting the pile of junk. While doing so, something caught my eye, something not shiny at all. I neared and poked at it. "HEY!" The thing jumped making me gasp and jump in surprise. I blinked and narowed my eyes at what was in front of me. - A crab? - An indeed small graying blue crab was standing in front of me on top of the pile of junk. "Don't touch me! Nor my shiny stuff" It said trying to seem threatening. 

"Um... Hey! Fish lady, look what I found" I called out, and from the other side of the cave I heard an annoyed grunt.

"Ugh, coming" She grunted and walked over here. "OK, what is it?" (Y/N) asked, but her question was answered when she saw the crab. "Wow, hello small one" She chirped and crouched near it.

"Small? You're the small one!" It yelled.

"Uh... nope. But that's fine, I guess?" She said while shrugging. "Well, what's your name?" 

"Tamatoa" It answered her with a scowl. 

"Nice to meet you!" She chirped and shook his claw. "My friedn here is Maui, and I'm (Y/N)"

"Call her fish lady" I blurted out, making her smack my arm. I chuckled and stared at the crab again.

"Rrrriiight..." He said, and stared at (Y/N) for a while. "What are you doing here? This is MY cave" Tamatoa said, and he wanted us to leave apparently.

"Oh! We where just looking around" (Y/N) asnwered.

"Huh... well." He shrugged and then narrowed his eyes at us. "Why are you humans wandering around the realm of monsters?" He asked suspiciously.

"That... we are not humans..." (Y/N) muttered adverting her gaze.

"How come? You look exactly like them!" Tamatoa exclaimed. 

I laughed, leaning on my hook for support. "No you're mistaken, I'm a demigod, and my sidekick here. She's a fish"

"I'm no fish!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

"She's a human" Tamatoa said nonchalantly. 

"No, I'm a half Mermaid!" (Y/N) exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.

"Well, you're half humans. Both of you. So..." He shrugged. 



- What an awkard silence -


"I've seen you like shiny stuff Tamatoa" (Y/N) commented.

"Ah, yeah, I love shiny stuff. I want to be shiny too" He said rubbing both of his calws toghether.

"Oh! I can help you with that" (Y/N)chirped grabbing one of Tamatoa's claws.

"Wha? Uh... alright alright, fine. But! I want to see that hook from him" Tamatoa said. -No way! -

"No way crab stick" I exclaimed.

"Maui, he just want's to see it." (Y/N) argued.


She sighed and facepalmed. "Alright then"


I like trains :v

Do you have something you protect and love like Maui with his hook? 

For now... I don't. I just see things and I think 'Meh'. If I had a pet I know I may be like him with them.  


Until next time!!

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now